Nono Kaléndas Februárii Luna vicesima nona Anno Domini 2020
January 24th 2020, the 29th day of the Moon, were born into the better life:
Holy Timothy, the
disciple of the blessed Apostle Paul, by whom he was ordained Bishop of
Ephesus. After many contendings for Christ, because he rebuked them that
were offering sacrifice to Diana, they stoned him, and a short while
thereafter he fell asleep in the Lord, (in the year 97.)
At Antioch, (in the
year 250,) holy Babilas, Patriarch of that city. After he had oftentimes
glorified God by the sufferings and torments which he bore, and in the
persecution under the Emperor Decius, he ended his glorious life in iron
fetters, which he commanded should be buried with him. It is recorded
also that there suffered with him three children Urban, Prilidian, and
Epolonius whom he had instructed in the faith of Christ.
At Neo-Caesarea, the
holy martyrs Mardonius, Musonius, Eugenius, and Metellus, these all were
burnt and their ashes thrown into the river.
At Foligno, holy
Felician, who was ordained by Pope Victor Bishop of that city, and after
many labours was crowned with martyrdom in extreme old age, in the
persecution under the Emperor Decius.
Likewise the holy martyrs Thyrsus, (third century,) and Projectus, (Bishop of Clermont, in the year 674.)
At Bologna, (in the
third century,) holy Zama, the first Bishop of that city, who was
ordained by the holy Roman Pontiff Denis, and there wonderfully spread
the Christian faith.
Likewise (in the sixth century,) the blessed Abbot Suran, who flourished in holiness in the time of the Lombards.
V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.
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