Duodécimo Kaléndas Februárii Luna vicesima sexta Anno Domini 2020
January 21st 2020, the 26th day of the Moon, were born into the better life:
At Rome, under
Symphronius, Prefect of the city, the holy Virgin and martyr Agnes. She
was cast into the fire, but the fire died out at her prayer, and then
she was smitten with the sword, (in the year 304.) Blessed Jerome
writeth concerning her. The life of Agnes hath been praised in the
writings and in the tongues of all nations, and most chiefly in the
churches. She overcame not only the tyrant but also the weakness of her
own age, and hallowed by martyrdom the title of virgin.
At Athens, (in the
second century,) the holy Bishop Publius, who ruled illustriously over
the Church of Athens in succession to holy Denis the Areopagite he was
famous for graces and eminent for teaching, and was gloriously crowned
with the martyrdom of Christ.
At Tarragona, in Spain,
the holy martyrs Fructuosus, Bishop of that see, and the Deacons
Augurius and Eulogius. In (the year 259, in) the time of the Emperor
Gallienus, they were first imprisoned and then cast into the fire, and
when their bonds had been burnt they stretched forth their hands in the
form of a cross, and so in prayer finished their martyrdom.
Holy Augustin preached to the people upon their feast-day.
At Troyes, (in Champagne,) the holy martyr Patroclus, who gained the crown of martyrdom under the Emperor Aurelian.
In the Monastery of Eu,
in Gaul, the holy hermit Meinard, who was murdered by thieves, (in the
year 861. Founder of Notre Dame des Ermites.)
At Pavia, the holy Confessor Epiphanius, Bishop of that see.
V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.
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