11 November 2018

Why I #Converted to the #Catholic #Church - Part 2: Choosing between Protestantism and Catholicism

The second part of Brian Holdsworth's conversion story.

His introduction to the video:

This is part 2 of my #conversion to #Catholicism story. If you haven't seen part one, check it out here: Once I had encountered God in such a meaningful way, I began searching for a faith community to help me understand the Christian faith. I quickly became confused by the myriad of denominations and decided I needed to understand why there were so many. I began to study about Church history and Martin Luther's reformation. I compared the claims of the reformers and the Catholic Church and did my best to read the Bible from an objective point of view. What I found surprised me as the Catholic claims seemed to hold up to scrutiny while the premises for Protestant conclusions struggled to hold together.

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