Photo: OC-Travel
Many portable altars date from the time of the First World War when their creation gained an impetus from the urgent needs of military chaplains who were on the front lines or in military camps.  One of the travesties of the First World War was that it involved Christians slaughtering Christians en masse on the Christian continent par excellence.  All nations involved had enormous chaplain corps  Often times Catholics were fighting Catholics, such as the battles between the French and Italians, all for naught.  Custom made portable altars were plentiful and numerous examples survive.  The example depicted in the photo dates from that period, from the Jesuits in Mexico, seen today in the truly wonderful Miguel Pro museum at the church of the Holy Family in Mexico City.  Fr. Miguel Pro, a Jesuit, celebrated clandestine Masses in Mexico City on this altar while he was under surveillance by the government, a government which was operating under Masonic influences.  Fr. Pro was captured at age 36 and killed on November 23, 1927 by direct order of the President of Mexico, Plutarco Calles, an avowed Mason.

St. Joseph's Apprentice, a US-based supplier offers quality portable altars for a reasonable price that are sturdy and of heirloom quality.  For information and photos see here