13 November 2018

Solipsistic, Self-Aggrandizing @FatherRosica Dares to Vet Catholic News Sources

It seems to have begun. Tommy Rosica, Vatican mouthpiece for heresy and perversion, couldn't wait for an official Index Websitorum Prohibitorum, so he's issued a list of 'Rosica approved' news sites.

I'm not familiar with a couple of them, but the ones I am familiar with include the National 'Catholic' Reporter (a/k/a the National Catholic Fishwrap or the National Catholic Distorter), which is so anti-Catholic that they have been ordered, by at least two Bishops of Kansas City, to cease using the word 'Catholic' on their masthead. They have ignored the orders.

Catholic News Service is controlled by the corrupt protectors of perversion, the USCCB. Salt and Light is Rosica's own platform. America Media is Jesuit owned. You know, Jimmy Martin, LGBTQSJ's Order. Crux is headed by a former staffer of the National Catholic Fishwrap. La Stampa, which has 'Vatican Insider', is a liberal paper founded in Turin, the hotbed of Freemasonic anti-Catholicism at the time of its founding.

You get the picture. These are sites to be avoided like the plague if you want decent, solid, and honest reporting on what's going on in the Church.

From Fr Z's Blog

After the 2018 Synod (“walking together”) proposed that some authority should vet Catholic websites for their acceptability, THIS pops up.

Care to explain this, Fr Rosica? And, no, we won’t let you get away with claiming it’s not news because it was spotted by @Michael_Voris

75 people are talking about this
Apparently Rosica handed it out himself to members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher.  Voris broke it.
Look at that list. It’s hilarious.   It is shocking only in its temerity, not in its choices.
With a couple of exceptions, I’d say that this is a helpful list of sources to avoid.
However, you can see where we are headed.
Yet another step toward the Church of the Hoopers.

No thanks.

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