13 September 2018

The Media Has Long Known Pope’s Dishonesty as He Protected Progressive Predators Like Daneels

More evidence of the corruption and filth in Francis's Pontificate.

From the Eponymous Flower

“If Coverup Fails”

Edit: this whole media frenzy could have been launched years ago since most of the information has been available for years. Even Mark Shea knew that Bergoglio had rehabilitate the perfidious Daneels.  What’s really interesting is how dead the consciences of these men are!

In 2010 it became known that the then Bishop of Bruges had abused his nephew for years. Cardinal Danneels wanted to cover up the incident, as a secret recorded conversation proves

Brussels (kath.net) In 2010, it became known that Roger Vangheluwe, the then reigning Bishop of Bruges, had been abusing his nephew for years. On April 23, 2010 Vangheluwe offered Pope Benedict XVI. his resignation, which one hour later (!) was accepted. On the same day, Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel, who was already retired, and former Primate of Belgium, Godfried Cardinal Danneels (archival photo), said: "There has not even been the appearance of an attempt to cover up the matter or to spread over it the mantle of secrecy."

Before the resignation, there was a conversation between the victim, his family and Cardinal Danneels. On August 28, 2010, the Belgian newspaper "De Standaard" published the transcript of this conversation. This was recorded secretly, it documents the perfidy with which Cardinal Danneels at that time tried to cover up the deed of his episcopal brother and to silence the victim.

Mark Vangheluwe, the victim, published the book "Letter to the Pope" in 2017. In it he describes his years of attempts to make his uncle admit his guilt and take responsibility. At the end of this development was the conversation of April 2010. Roger Vangheluwe was thereby cornered. Now he bet on Danneels, who would have probably launched a last attempt for him to get the coals out of the fire for him.

Benjamin Leven has translated on his blog the transcript of the Flemish and provided comments, read yourself in German( see link below). Leven was editor-in-chief of the journal "Gottesdienst" and "praxis gottesdienst" in Trier from 2013 to 2015 (both published by Herder Verlag) and has been the editor of Herder Korrespondenz in Berlin since October 2015, since February 2017 in Rome.

Reading tip: Link to the blog of Benjamin Leven: "If cover-up fails"

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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