06 October 2021

FBI Admits It Doesn't Track Leftist Violence

I never thought I'd say this, but oh, for the days of J. Edgar! The FBI would have been on Antifa and BLM like white on rice! No longer it seems.

From Townhall

By Spencer Brown

During the misnamed "Summer of Love," riots, looting, vandalism, and political violence was carried out by radical leftists under the (often literal) Antifa and Black Lives Matter banners. The violent leftists besieged federal property, private businesses, law enforcement, and private citizens with costly, deadly, and devastating outcomes.

Joe Biden and other Democrats turned a blind eye to the violence for political reasons in a stunning show of hypocritical double standards. In too many cases, Democrats even encouraged more leftist violence. As it turns out, the Federal Bureau of Investigation turned a blind eye to those carrying out the riots and looting too.

In a congressional hearing last week titled "Confronting Violent White Supremacy (Part VI): Examining the Biden Administration’s Counterterrorism Strategy," FBI Assistant Director of Counterterrorism Timothy Langan said that the Bureau doesn't consider Antifa to be an "organization," and as such does not have specific information on the group's activities. 

In response to a question about how much violence or domestic terrorism Antifa committed in recent years from Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), Langan had nothing to offer. 

"Under the anti-government category or subcategory of domestic terrorism — would that include groups like Antifa or Black Lives Matter, folks who commit violence or acts of domestic terrorism?" Mace asked.

"Well, we don't identify groups but individuals' actions," Langan responded. "So if individuals are committing actions that would be in furtherance of anti-government or anarchist ideals then they would fall into that category."

"So would you quantify Antifa as an anarchist group under then that subcategory?" Mace pressed. "I mean, it's an anarchist group, right?"

"The director has previously described them as a 'movement' and there have been individuals that have associated or identified with Antifa that have conducted violent acts that we would categorize as anarchist," was all that Langan could offer of the mere "movement" of Antifa. 

Mace continued, asking "how many acts of violence or domestic terrorism has Antifa committed over the last two years?"

Again, Langan has nothing to offer. "Since we don’t categorize Antifa, nor do we calculate or collate information regarding Antifa, that movement, we don’t have that,” said the senior FBI counterterrorism official. “But we can provide you information on anarchist threats and cases in general."

"How many open cases of anarchist violence and domestic terrorism have occurred over the last two years?" Mace asked, seeking any data that might quantify any accountability for those who razed neighborhoods and federal property.

"So we have, as far as arrest activities for the anti-government/anti-authority we have 75 total arrests," Langan responded.

Mace's questioning sought answers to what many Americans wonder — how American cities could be held under siege by Antifa and BLM for months while elected officials failed to address the situation. 

There was no concern for the Wuhan coronavirus as massive maskless crowds took to city streets and few arrests or charges filed by Democrat district attorneys for those who vandalized and burned businesses or government property. 

Liberal mayors allowed so-called autonomous zones to become festering pits of crime and filth. And now it turns out the nation's top law enforcement agency doesn't even have numbers on Antifa violence and apparently arrested fewer than 100 people for engaging in anti-government activities.

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