04 February 2020

Religious Freedom Under Threat — Yet Again

The 'soft' persecution continues to intensify. How long before it becomes 'hard' persecution?

From the National Catholic Register

By Michael Warsaw


Just when we think we have moved on from battles that were won, they once again rear their ugly heads.

The Little Sisters of the Poor find themselves heading to the Supreme Court for the second time in four years to defend their right to practice their religion without government interference.

The sisters, who thought that the high court’s ruling in 2017 afforded them relief from the Affordable Care Act’s unjust requirement for faith-based institutions to provide abortion and contraception in their health-insurance plans, are now battling the state of Pennsylvania for their right.

In another development, in a Jan. 17 commentary in USA Today, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos cited three instances in Kentucky, Utah and Washington state where students and a coach were prohibited from exercising their constitutional guarantee to freedom of religion. In the case of the Washington coach, he lost his job.

In light of this, the Trump administration gave U.S. citizens’ constitutional rights a shot in the arm with updated guidelines in The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which protects students and teachers’ right to pray wherever they choose — at home, in public and in school.

The new guidelines, issued in late January, give citizens an extra layer of protection. They require states to report schools that failed to certify they have no policy prohibiting anyone from praying.

Religion-hating politicians and their backers have thus far failed in their efforts to reduce our First Amendment freedom of religion to “freedom of worship,” so they can sequester people of faith to a church, synagogue or mosque.

All hatred of religion ultimately stems from Satan, who hates God. Whenever we are confronted with that influence, we must speak loudly, act decisively and pray ardently for deliverance.

I pray that the Supreme Court will do the right thing and again protect the Little Sisters. And I am grateful for all those in Washington and around the country who are willing to stand up for the prayerful needs of our nation’s religious citizens.

God bless you!

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