03 February 2020

Baltimore Catechism #2 - PRAYERS FOR MASS


[The Mass prayers are an arrangement of those contained in Father Finn's "Prayer Book for Catholic Youth" (also known as Father Finn's Boys' and Girls' Prayer Book). They follow closely in simplified language the spirit and liturgy of the "Ordinary of the Mass," so that children will become readily accustomed to using the Church's own prayers and follow the priest at the altar. The rubrics when to sit, stand or kneel at Low Mass are given.

If it is found desirable to have the children recite prayers aloud and in unison at Mass, certain parts suitable for this purpose are marked with an asterisk (*).]

Remember that the church is the house of God, where the living God dwells. And where God is, His holy angels too are present. In church, therefore, be reverent and modest in your behavior, and always be in time. When you enter, bless yourself with holy water and go quietly to your seat, genuflect on your right knee and enter the pew. 


O my God, I am only a child; help me to be attentive, and to pray with all my heart during this holy Mass.

The priest comes out to begin Mass.


The priest carries in his hands the chalice, covered with a cloth. The priest goes up to the middle of the altar, and sets down the chalice. Then he goes to the right side and opens the book.

After that he comes down to the foot of the altar, and makes the Sign of the Cross.

(From the Beginning to the Offertory)


*In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
*I will go in to the altar of God, to God Who gives joy to my youth.
*Judge me, O God. Keep me safe from all evil.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.
I will go in to the altar of God.
To God Who gives joy to my youth.

Here the priest makes the Sign of the Cross.

Our help is in the name of the Lord.
Who made heaven and earth.

The priest, bowing down, says the Confiteor. Then the altar-boys bow and say it after him. Read it as on p. 2.

The priest goes up to the altar and says:

O Lord, we beg You, by the goodness of Your saints whose relics are here, and of all Your saints, to forgive us all our sins.


The priest goes to the right side of the altar and reads from the book.

Then going back to the middle of the altar he says the Kyrie Eleison.


Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will. We praise You. We bless You. We glorify You. We give You thanks for Your great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty. O Lord God, Son of the Father, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. You only, O Jesus Christ, with the Holy Ghost, are most high in the Glory of God the Father. Amen.

The priest turns to the people and says:

The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.


The priest goes to the right side of the altar and reads from the book.

*Let us pray: Let Your grace and pity guide our hearts, we beg You, O Lord. For without You we cannot please You. Through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.


The Epistle is a letter. Most of these letters were written by Saint
Paul. The priest now reads one of these. You may read the following:

Dear children: Be happy, be good, be brave; agree with one another, and be at peace. The grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, God's love, and the wisdom of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen.

Thanks be to God.

The altar-boy carries the book to the left side of the altar. The priest bows at the middle of the altar and says a prayer.


The priest goes to the left and reads from the book.


While Jesus was speaking to the people, mothers brought their children to Him, that He might bless them. The disciples told them not to bother Jesus. But Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come to Me and forbid them not. For of such is the kingdom of heaven." And Jesus blessed the children.

Praise be to You, O Christ.


The priest now turns back to the middle of the altar and says the Creed.

You also say it (see page 2).

(From the Offertory to the Communion)


The priest takes the cloth off the chalice. Then he holds up a small gold plate on which is the bread, called the host.

*Take, O holy Father, almighty and eternal God, this spotless host which I, Your unworthy servant, offer to You for my many sins and for all who serve You, living and dead. May it help them and me to gain eternal life.

The priest goes to the right side of the altar. He pours wine and water into the chalice. Then the priest goes back to the middle of the altar and raises the chalice. 


*We offer You, O Lord, this chalice. May it help us and all the world to gain eternal life. Amen.

The priest goes to the right side of the altar to wash his hands.

Returning to the middle of the altar, the priest bows down and says some prayers. Then he turns to the people and says the Orate Fratres.

Now the priest prays in a low voice and then in a louder voice he says the Preface:

Truly, it is right and just that we should at all times and in all places give thanks to You, O holy Lord, Father almighty, Who, with Your only Son and the Holy Ghost are one God, one Lord. All the angels daily praise You, singing with one voice:


Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of Your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.

The bell is rung three times.



[Note,—By a Decree of the Church (Aug. 4, 1922), the prayers during the Canon, i.e. from the Sanctus to the Pater Noster, must be said in silence.]

The priest bows low and kisses the altar.

O most merciful Father, we pray You, through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, to take and bless these gifts. We offer them to You for Your holy Catholic Church, for our Pope and Bishop and for all those in the Catholic Faith.


Be mindful, O Lord, of Your servants (name those for whom you wish to pray especially), and all who are now hearing this Mass. Hear, O Lord, the prayers they are offering for themselves, their friends and their families. 


The priest now bends low over the host and says:

At these words, the bread is changed into the body of Our Lord. The bell rings. The priest kneels and then raises the Sacred Body of Our Lord. Now look at the Sacred Host and say: My Lord and my God. Then bow your head as the priest kneels again. 


The priest bends over the chalice and says:

At these words, the wine becomes the Precious Blood of Our Lord. The bell rings. The priest kneels and then raises the chalice. Now the priest continues to pray silently. Look at the chalice and say: Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us.

The priest kneels. The bell rings again. The priest prays silently. 


Remember also, O Lord, Your servants (here name dead relatives and friends) who have gone before us with the sign of faith and sleep the sleep of peace.

Now the priest says the "Pater Noster." Say the "Our Father."

Soon after the priest strikes his breast and says the "Agnus Dei." 


The priest after saying some prayers silently, takes the Sacred Host and paten in his left hand and striking his breast with the right hand says (the bell rings three times):

*O Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. Say but the word and my soul shall be healed.

The priest bows down and receives the Body of Our Lord. He remains in prayer for a short time. Then he uncovers the chalice and drinks the Sacred Blood of Our Lord.


The priest now opens the tabernacle and takes out the Blessed Sacrament to give holy communion to the people. Turning to the people and holding the ciborium in his left hand, he lifts up a Sacred Host to the people in his right hand. Now say with the priest three times:

"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter my soul; say but the word and my soul shall be healed." 


Having replaced the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle, the priest after taking water and wine, covers the chalice and goes to the right side of the altar to read from the book. Then going back to the middle he turns to the people and says:

The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.

Then the priest again goes to the right side of the altar and reads: 


*Let us pray: We have been filled with Your gifts, O Lord. Grant that they may make us clean and strong. May the gift of this divine Sacrament keep us pure, O Lord. Through the help of the Blessed Virgin, of St. Joseph, of Sts. Peter and Paul and all the saints, may it free us from all evil.

The priest goes back to the middle of the altar and turning to the people says:

The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.

Go, the Mass is ended.
Thanks be to God.


The priest bows down and says a prayer. Then turning to the people he blesses them saying:

May almighty God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, bless you. Amen.

The priest goes to the left side of the altar.


The Lord be with you.
And with your spirit.


The priest makes a cross on forehead, lips, and breast, and says the
Gospel of St. John.

Remain standing until the priest has left the sanctuary or kneels down to say the prayers after Mass.

Next - Baltimore Catechism #2 - THE RIGHT MANNER OF CONFESSING

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