08 November 2019

That Male and Female Differences Are Cultural Constructs: "All Make Believe," Says Canadian Professor

One of the culprits confesses! The whole 'Male and Female Differences Are Cultural Constructs' bollocks was made up out of whole cloth.

From Everyday For Life Canada

Christopher Dummitt an Associate Professor at Canada's Trent University recently wrote an article for Quillette  titled, "The Confessions of a Social Constructionist." He admits what most of us believe: that the differences between the  two sexes male and female are socially constructed is a myth. Yes, he says it's all made up. And he should know because he's one of the architects of this gender fiction. Dummitt like many other professors have made a career of peddling the lies that we can decouple sexual diversity from biology because it's all culturally driven. It turns out even the researcher didn't accept his own gender mythmaking.

Dummitt has written two texts aiming to "prove" that gender is a social construct: The Manly Modern: Masculinity in Postwar Canada and his master’s thesis called, Finding a Place for Father: Selling the Barbecue in Postwar Canada.

Dummitt states in the Quillette article, "I basically just made it up." The whole subject area of sexuality, gender and women's studies he admits is all make believe. He writes: “Each of these fields shared the same worldview as I did—that just about every identity was a social construction. And, that identity was all about power.” Sexologist John Money at the Alfred Kinsey Institute did the same bogus gender research.

Just a generation ago few scholars really thought that biology could be removed to account for the differences between the sexes. He says, “Back then, quite a few people disagreed with me. Almost nobody who hadn’t been exposed to such theories at a university could bring themselves to believe that sex was wholly a social construct, because such beliefs went against common sense.” 

Dummitt is shocked at just how fast societal acceptance has occurred: “That’s what makes it so amazing that the cultural turnaround on this issue has happened so quickly.”

If culturally we push to normalize the view that gender identity is constructed, this has huge consequences. This means that gender differences are simply based on nurture and not nature. Biology is out and feelings and self expression is what counts. In short, appearance (acting a role) is true and reality (biology) is false.

If a boy can be a girl and a girl can be a boy, then society must pass gender identity policies and regulations in schools to remove all differences. We must do the same in the wider culture.

If a man can be a woman and a woman can be man, then marriage between two women or two men is the same as one between a man and a woman.

If there are no biological differences between the sexes, then children can do without a father or a mother. One parent alone or two parents of the same-sex is just as good.

If a boy can be a girl and a girl can be a boy, then we don't need in public schools separate washrooms, change rooms or separate sports activities for boys and girls.

If a girl can be a boy and a boy can be a girl, then we should have sex "education" classes to teach this. We should embed the idea of gender neutrality across the curriculum.

If sexual differences based on biology is a myth, then society's rules, policies and laws must take into account every sexual orientation and gender claim.

If the difference between men and women are socially constructed, then this view must be reflected in our television shows, movies, commercials, stories, music, art and every other aspect of the culture.

We have just described the kind of society we are building in a genderless world. The problem coming from Dummit's own research is that it's all founded on a lie that is being passed as a truth.

That gender isn't binary has been promoted together with the idea that cultural sexual differences were exploited for power and oppression. It's the reason behind equity and inclusive education. To argue that there are differences between males and females is to be quickly dismissed and accused of pushing a hierarchical power structure to oppose others. It serves to help explain the how the male sex could subjugate the female sex. And this theme about the social construction of the sexual self has today became a big area of social policies, laws, as well as programs in universities and colleges. Gender studies and sexual politics are now everywhere.

Dummit even gives an apology for his fake gender work. He goes on to say that his bogus ideology is still quoted and used to defend an argument that he knows he made up, “My flawed reasoning, and other scholarship using the same defective thinking, now is being taken up by activists and governments to legislate a new moral code of conduct. It was one thing when I was having drinks with fellow grad students and battling it out in the inconsequential world of our own egos. But now much more is at stake.” Yes, history, common sense, science and reason tell us that there are significant differences between the sexes.

After we finished reading the article we wanted to know what made Dummit finally come clean. He doesn't say. We wish he had. But we hope it's because he knows that a lot of harm has been done and continues to be done to children and adults by this fraudulent research. Facts do make a difference. We cannot change human nature at will. When we believe we can play God, we may be aiming for heaven but end up in hell on earth. The evidence says that the time to push back is long overdue.

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