21 November 2018

Why I Am Catholic

Mr Holdsworth explains why he is a Catholic. I am reminded of GKC!

His introduction

I am #Catholic for more reasons than I can describe in a short video so I’ll summarize them with this: I am #Catholic because I believe it’s #true. So, why do I believe it’s #true? There are several qualities of #truth that I would use to judge a claim of #truth against but for the sake of brevity, I’ll describe one: truth is unchanging and #uncompromising. But truth itself, not bound to the changing winds of circumstance is #transcendent and unaffected by circumstance. For example, it’s wrong to murder people. That is true today and it will be true thousands of years from now. Now, the #Catholic #Church is the only #messenger who speaks as though the message she carries is actually true because she doesn’t tamper with it or compromise it even when doing so means enduring suffering. The ##Apostles of Jesus, for example were all killed save one for not compromising their message and generations more continued to do so under Rome’s genocidal efforts to eradicate #Christianity. The second reason I’m Catholic is because it’s counter-cultural in the sense that when the culture wants to float along with chaotic streams of fashion in the name of progress, it’s #Catholicism that stands firm against the current. The next reason is that it’s impossible to rationalize the origins of the Catholic Church. The #historical #Jesus hand picked 12 apostles and told them to tell the world about what they had seen and learned. These were 12 uneducated, cowardly (by their own accounts), confused, resource poor, and mostly illiterate individuals. Within their lifetime, their message had consumed the world. Not through war or armed takeover. Not through political power or advanced technology. Not through any means that we can rationalize. When confronted with the need to explain how #Christianity spread so fast and effectively in the face of Roman genocidal efforts and religious hostility from it’s place of origin, you either have to shrug your shoulders and say, it doesn’t make sense… or you can consider the possibility that God had something to do with it. Lastly, there are countless documented miracles that have been performed by #Catholics. These #miracles are meticulously scrutinized by investigators which include non-Catholic experts in #science and #medicine. When they conclude that no natural explanation for the miraculous claims can be offered, the person moves closer to sainthood. This process is well documented and researched and countless saints have been confirmed this way.

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