13 September 2018

Flags of the World, 1876

Flags of the World, 1876, from Nick Artimovich on the Flags of the World (FOTW) Facebook group, with comment by my good friend, Theodore Harvey, of Theodore Harvey's Monarchist ForumTheodore Harvey's Royal World blog, and Theodore's Royalty and Monarchy Page.

Flags of the world, 1876 (sold at the 1876 World's Fair, the US Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia)

There were a lot more monarchs reigning then, including:

(top row) Sultan Hassan I of Morocco (1857-1894), King Leopold II of Belgium (1835-1909), King Alfonso XII of Spain (1857-1885), Khedive Isma'il Pasha of Egypt (1830-1895); 

(2nd row) King Christian IX of Denmark (1818-1906), Bey Muhammad III as-Sadiq of Tunis (1813-1882), King Victor Emanuel II of Italy (1820-1878), King Chulalongkorn of Siam (1853-1910), King Kalākaua of Hawaii (1836-1891);

(3rd row) King George I of Greece (1845-1913), King Oscar II of Sweden & Norway (1829-1907), German Emperor Wilhelm I (1797-1888), Emperor Meiji (Mutsuhito) of Japan (1852-1912);

(4th row) Emperor Alexander II of Russia (1818-1881), Emperor Pedro II of Brazil (1825-1891);

(5th row) King Luis of Portugal (1838-1889), Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom (1819-1901), Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary (1830-1916), Guangxu Emperor of China (1871-1908);

(6th row) Sultan Murad V of the Ottoman Empire (1840-1904).

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