13 September 2018

Argentine Author on Francis: Viganò is Speaking the Truth

More and more evidence piles up. How much longer can he maintain his blasphemous 'Holy Silence'?

From Church Militant

Church Militant speaks with Catholic historian and biographer Dr. Antonio Caponnetto

In light of the staggering revelations of Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò, currently hunted by the Holy See's intelligence services for asking Pope Francis to resign for the cover-up of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's homosexual predation, Church Militant reached out to Dr. Antonio Caponnetto, an accomplished Catholic historian and doctor in philosophy from Buenos Aires — and one who knows more about Pope Francis when he was Cdl. Jorge Bergoglio than anyone else.

Caponnetto is a prolific researcher and lecturer who's written extensively about liberation theology in South America, but is mostly known for his book La Iglesia Traicionada (The Church Betrayed), a first-hand account of living under the reign of Cdl. Bergoglio during the period he was archbishop of Buenos Aires. The book was published in 2010, three years before Cdl. Bergoglio became Pope Francis, and has been quoted in a book by Italian Catholic historian Roberto de Mattei as well as by Henry Sire in his bombshell book The Dictator Pope.

Dr. Antonio Caponnetto then wrote a second book about Pope Francis in 2017 called No lo conozco: Del Iscariotismo a la Apostasía (I Don't Know Him: From Iscariotism to Apostasy), in which he consolidated his knowledge of Pope Francis' modus operandi, this time evaluating the pontificate.

In a 2017 interview, Caponnetto spoke about the process of writing La Iglesia Traicionada: "[W]hat went through my soul … was an immense pain, a lacerating urge to scream from the rooftops, after realizing that the pastor was actually a wolf. And now we suffer the loot of the doctrine, the theft of orthodoxy, the stealing of the truth."

To Church Militant, Dr. Caponnetto said, "I have written two books about Bergoglio. I have also written many articles and given many conferences. My first book was a warning. But, as it often happens, I wasn't heard. I was persecuted and offended. Then, finally, the facts proved me right. It's all very sad, but that's how things happened."

La Iglesia Traicionada confirms the problems in the current papacy: Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio's ambiguous behavior has always pushed heterodoxy and confused the faithful. Here are a few telling extracts from the book: 

Bergoglio needs to prove that he is a humble, modest ... man. A neighborhood kid who can chat about football and tango (which he does, abundantly), the farthest from a Christian Prince as possible. [He acts] in accordance with the times and the tastes ... not with the magisterial attitude of a master of truth by ministry. He values doubt and hesitation.

Still on Pope Francis' "obsession" with his own image:
Bergoglio recklessly plays the "low-profile" game. ... His self-worship in showing off as an ordinary man is a manifestation of pride, not for the nature of what is flaunted, but for the vice of ostentation. This is one of Bergoglio's psychological obsessions: Why would one who possesses true humility give consent to the publication of pages and pages of praise to his virtue?

Dr. Caponnetto also mentions several of Bergoglio's liaisons with enemies of the Catholic Church: "A first example is ... Esther Ballestrino de Careaga. This woman and her entire family were activists of Marxist terrorism in Paraguay. Careaga was among the founders of the group 'Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo' ... whose real mission was international Marxist guerrilla. But for Bergoglio, this 'sympathiser of Communism,' in his own words, is 'an extraordinary woman,' who 'taught me so much about politics.'"

Another radical leftist also charmed Pope Francis in Italy: Emma Bonino, a George Soros associate and human rights activist who performed over 10,000 abortions with a bicycle pump device, has been called "one of Italy's forgotten greats" by the Pontiff.

La Iglesia Traicionada also mentions that "several sources, one of which I've verified directly and whose claims have never been refuted, have revealed that Bergoglio agreed to the legalization of the so-called homosexual 'civil union' as an alleged lesser evil preferable to the greater evil of 'same-sex marriage.'"

In Italy, with the complicit silence of the Pope, homosexual civil unions were sanctioned in 2016, despite the relentless effort of the Catholic laity to stop the extremely unpopular bill. Catholic committee Difendiamo i nostri figli ("We stand for our children") gathered two million people in Rome to protest against the law. Many tried to make sense of Pope Francis' complete silence, while the most vocal prelate was Abp. Nunzio Galantino, at the time secretary of the Italian Bishops' Conference, where he was known as "the Pope's man."
Everything he says and does inflicts evil upon the Church.Tweet

Galantino's dubious statements implied that the position of committee Difendiamo i nostri figli was "too radical," and overall his declarations have all been interpreted as support for the bill. He has been equally ambiguous about abortion and euthanasia, but he is always alarmingly clear when it comes to his heterodox positions. He speaks openly of his admiration for Martin Luther, even calling the Reformation "an event of the Holy Spirit."

Asked about the veracity of Abp. Viganò's allegations, Dr. Caponnetto's offered his final comments to Church Militant:

What Abp. Viganò said about Bergoglio is the absolute truth. There's a lot of evidence that proves that Pope Francis covers up for homosexuals, degenerates and pedophiles [Dr. Caponnetto's emphasis]. I don't know if this crisis will put an end to Bergoglio's infamous management. If God allows, it will. I also agree that he should resign, definitely. Everything he says and does inflicts evil upon the Church.

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