05 September 2018

A Great Idea for Handling the Perverts!

What follows was posted on Facebook by a fellow member of The Counter Revolution, Peter Michael Burke, Jr. I must say it sounds like an excellent idea.

One commenter said, My solution is simple: defrock them and then execute them. It was the practice ordered by Pope St. Pius V in his apostolic constitution Cum Primum.'

To which I replied, 'I like your idea, but unfortunately, we live in the 21st century, not the 16th. St Pius turned them over to the secular arm. Can you imagine ANY government (with the possible exception of Poland or Hungary [oh wait! they can't because they belong to the EU]) executing these perverts?'

At any rate, here's Mr Burke's post with which I totally agree.

I have an idea for this gay/pedo/pederast problem in the Catholic priesthood.
Of course when they’re caught, they should be stripped of all priestly office permanently.
Afterwards, these men will be given a choice.
The Pope will create a new order of monks. Lets call them The Lonely Monks of Reparation.
If they choose to join the order they will be evaluated, briefed on their duties and shipped off to convents (not seminaries) or missions to perform servile work. They will scrub floors, wash windows, cook food and have absolutely no access to human interaction outside of performing their work around others, attending mass, confession and therapy sessions. After their daily duties are complete, they will be cloistered within their rooms where they will perform a strict and rigorous prayer schedule oriented around atoning for their sins, praying for the continued healing of the priesthood, for its future purity as well as theirs and the intentions of the Holy Father. They will have a strict diet of bread, water and wine with access to meat only on major liturgical feast days and fish on Fridays. They can have access to television with only two channels available: EWTN and sporting events. I am no monster.
They will be blasted with a regulated, ordered and transparent life so as to attack their disordered passions unceasingly until they are nothing but spiritual putty to be re-molded by the Holy Spirit.
St. Michael the Archangel, (or any Archangel) the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ himself will be the patron guardians of this order. A human saint on Earth could have possibly been gay at some point prior to salvation. God, angels and our Blessed Mother can’t even be theoretically gay. They are the least gay things of all existence. We are robbing the monks of all gayness. Period.
There will be absolutely no centralized location for this order of monks. No monastery whatsoever. They will be disparate. Very bad idea to put a bunch of gay sex predators in a single place. Can’t have them be like current seminaries can we?
They will perform these duties and remain in this order for 10 years at which time they can opt out or remain as a monk to graduate to the next level and given more freedom to perform more public works in the Church and some of their dietary restrictions lifted.
If any monk is caught even slightly deviating from their duties or restrictions, he will be reported to his superior and evaluated for punishment with the most severe being years added to his time, but not exceeding a restart of his ten year period. And of course, any gay nonsense that is discovered, even pornography or self-abuse, his time will automatically restart at ten years. He will be made so afraid of touching himself that he will hesitate to even shake after taking a piss.
If any gay/abusive/pedo/cover-up abuse priest, bishop or cardinal refuses to join this order after having been discovered, they will be publicly excommunicated one by one.
If they refused to join, but later wish to repent, they must don a sack cloth and make a pilgrimage from the English Channel to Rome on foot. Once they arrive, they must remain in St. Peter’s square and await the Pope’s next appearance or Angelus where they will scream and beg at the top of their lungs to be entered into the The Lonely Monks of Reparation where, at the Pope’s discretion, they may be allowed to enter the Vatican and be processed and their excommunication lifted or if the Holy Father so desires, allow them to remain a beggar in the streets Rome, left to fend for themselves at the mercy of her citizens until he extends them the grace to finally atone for their sins.
Any priest who comes forward and ousts himself as a deviant before he is discovered by someone else will have their time in the order reduced to seven years. Three years taken away as a sign of mercy by the Holy Trinity and seven years remaining representing the Virtues they will continue to cultivate.
Maybe that’ll work.

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