The author argues that whilst Trump deserves thanks for facilitating the overturn of Roe, neither he nor his MAGA followers are truly pro-life and calls on serious pro-lifers to either abstain or vote for the American Solidarity Party in the November election for POTUS.
From Teófilo's SoapboxBy Teófilo de Jesus
In which Teófilo explains the same and disavows the miscreants support to the Pro-Life Movement.
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The Pro-Life Flag. (Source) |
Despite the recent Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruling that removed Roe v. Wade from our body of law, the Pro-Life Movement (PFM) lies discredited because of Trump and his MAGA people. They missed a precious opportunity to establish a Culture of Life. This is becaue of Trump's nefarious character and MAGA's inability to see his dismal flaws. Trump and MAGA also have enabled pro-abort defenders to depict the PLM in hateful terms. To recover their credibility, the PLM and conservatives must dump Trump and MAGA. The PLM must be relentless in pursuing a coherent Culture of Life and vote accordingly. The alternative is the PLM's demise.
Substantiation and Perspectives
The majority of those who believe life begins at conception agree with the abolition of Roe v. Wade. The removal of Roe's legal status, empowered the states to draw their own laws to protect life in the womb. Roe was bad constitutional law. As a consequence, SCOTUS had undermined most of Roe already. Roe's removal gave back power to the states to enact their own laws in response to the pro-life grassroots. This is how democracy works in our land, made possible by our Constitution.
Former President Trump deserves our thanks. He chose Justices willing to cancel Roe v. Wade. Cancelling Roe has saved the lives of thousands of children from abortion. A logical policy follow-up would have been to build a Culture of Life in our country. But neither Trump, nor MAGA, nor the GOP were up to the effort. The prolife momentum stalled shortly after SCOTUS' decision. This happed because Trump et al had no intention to follow through.
Trump didn't follow through because of his fallow intellect and dismal character. Trump is the shallowest of thinkers. He only understands that he can use the pro-life label as a cudgel for his brand of populism. He has no concept of what it means to be pro-life. Trump's character is such he lacks the intellectual curiosity to pursue the matter. Trump's also clueless about how to build upon pro-life foundations. Trump's frequent attacks upon needy minorities show his utter disregard of pro-life values.
Trump's MAGA core followers are little better. There were many who hung their hats on Trump from righteous motives. Yet most also are as ignorant on how to build a coherent Culture of Life. Most are unaware of Natural Law Morality, and on how to argue in favor of life from that perspective. In many ways MAGA apes the Left's fondness of coercive laws to effect cultural change. MAGA believes that implementing and upholding appropriate laws, coupled with administering suitable punishments, will prevent abortions from occurring. Also, MAGA's fundamental failure to acknowledge Trump's significant flaws ensures that he remains important in our political discussions. It is an importance Trump doesn't deserve.
Abortion supporters have seized on the PLM's contradictions \to energize their people. They've claimed the moral high ground while portraying the PLM in the worst ways. Taking advantage of the public's short memory, they portray the PLM as an extension of Trump and MAGA. They want to make the PLM, Trump, and MAGA indistinguishable from each other. They want to propagate a meme in which the PLM's members suffer Trump's own character flaws.
What to do?
The PLM must go back to its 1973 roots. Removing Roe from our nation's laws isn't enough. The PLM needs to reconnect with the public by stressing that respect for human life starts from the moment of conception and continues until natural death.
This means that Pro-Lifers must disengage from Trump and MAGA. The PLM is not beholden to Trump. Pro-Lifers mustn't agree with Trump's systematic dehumanization of the poor and downtrodden. At the ballot box, Pro-Lifers mustn't vote for either Trump or Biden. Instead, voters should either abstain from voting for either. Pro-Lifers should only vote for candidates supporting the PLM agenda from either party.
Or, Pro-Lifers can vote for the American Solidarity Party (ASP). The ASP is a political party in the Christian Democratic tradition, respectful of the Culture of Life. The ASP plans to create laws safeguarding human life at every stage and promote a national Culture of Life through encouragement rather than laws.
The PLM faces an uphill battle to turn the hearts and minds of the people and build a Culture of Life. Trump and MAGA are dead weights the PLM is dragging toward its oblivion. It's time to divorce the PLM from Trump and MAGA. The time is now for the PLM to recover its foundational values, transcend politics, and do the Lord's work by making America Pro-Life Again.
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