23 April 2023

Setting Things Right With People's Pro-life Misunderstandings

A guest post from Jack Seney:

For this latest installment of Setting Things Right With People's Pro-life Misunderstandings, I want to comment on the "You see?! You see?!" attacks coming from Ronald De Santis backers concerning his "support" of a further (i.e., real) abortion ban in Florida.

In the first place, De Santis likely only backed this further abortion ban because so many of us, not impressed with his signing of an abortion law that allowed the killing of babies for nearly four months, pressured him into it.
De Santis was likely figuring that no one would mind 113 days of baby-killing after conception in the "Sunshine State." Only for him to find, thank God, that this was NOT the case and that if he wanted many pro-life votes in his presidential run, he'd better support an actually significant abortion ban in Florida.
De Santis' 4-month law was not really opposed by pro-aborts, including his Judaic-Israeli friends who have long supported him, because most abortions are performed in that time frame anyway. But they revile the 40-day law that has now been decided on, the one that would actually save large numbers of babies' lives.
"Pro-lifers" like former Father Pavone, Abby Johnson and so on certainly were not among those of us who assailed De Santis instead of congratulating him for allowing 113 days of baby slaughter. Rather, they went rushing to join him and fall at his feet in Florida in celebration of 3 months and 3 weeks of murder.
De Santis has now (sort of, tepidly) supported the abortion law allowing for only 40 or so days of abortion in Florida. But another thing to remember is that this "ban" may not be much in effect for a long time, if ever. As usual the well-monied supporters of abortion murder are going to distract the law into various U.S. courts for endless rounds of appeals while the law itself remains frozen, just as has been happening in other states that have passed new abortion bans.
The Guttmacher Institute lists the states that have enacted various levels of abortion bans, and in almost every case pro-abort money is launching legal challenges to keep the mass murder that is abortion up and running.
Only a few places like North Dakota and Missouri, which in effect have no abortion clinics because they have chosen the intelligent route of targeting abortuaries directly for their frequent health violations, are truly free of baby murder.
Furthermore, De Santis was reported by the Associated Press to be "uncharacteristically tepid" concerning the new abortion ban in Florida. This would back my contention that he is afraid of looking "extreme" against abortion as he runs for president, and wanted his baby-murdering near-4-month law to plow ahead instead. Doggone us devout Catholics, other Christians and general pro-lifers for standing in his way!

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