06 December 2019

Ultrasuperueberhyperpapalism by the Bergoglian Bucketful

Father H on the hyperpapalism of Francis's lickspittle toadies and minions. 'Episcopussies' I love it! it's replacing 'bishopettes' in my vocabulary.

From Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment

This I saw recently in an ultrapapalist website: 

"Pope Francis has said that we are currently in a change of epochs or eras and not just experiencing a period of change. It is a time of a colossal paradigm shift. One stone will not be left upon another. Many of the sacred institutions and unique religious symbols that Catholics have clung to and defended for so long -- even for centuries -- may no longer be left standing in this change of epochs. Those that are not essential will need to be changed or discarded. Francis is trying to discern how and to what extent we need to do this. But he is facing resistance. Some of this is being manifested through attacks against his integrity as a disciple and faith leader."

I pass over (praetereo!) the snide nastinesses ("clung to" etc.); if there has been a change of eras, one of its most striking features has been the triumph of a culture of snide nastiness on the lips of the Pontiff and his cronies.

I just want to know where this model of the papacy ... the Pontiff as the Mighty Changer of Epochs ... the Great Caster Down of Stones ... the August Discerner of Discardable Dogmas ... Colossal Shifter of Paradigms ... is to be found in, or can be justified from, the teachings of Vatican I (or Vatican II) upon the Petrine Ministry.

It is certainly not to be found in the teaching of the most recent significant theologian to be canonised, S John Henry Newman, Patron of the Jurisdiction to which I have the honour to belong. He saw the Roman Church as a remora, obstacle, against innovation. Earlier writers, earlier popes, earlier councils, took the same view.
PF thinks he is 'ecumenical', because he kisses oriental hierarchs with beards and swedish episcopussies without them. Does he seriously think that, if he explained frankly to his supposed chums the (claimed) extent of his personal power to refashion the Christian Faith at will, they would react with anything other than horrified alarm? 

I subscribed formally to the teaching of Vatican I some sixty years ago, on 28 April 1959, when I signed up to the Catholic League. I have no intention of falling away now from this divinely-imparted Faith. I repudiate ex animo any concept of the Papacy which could afford plausibility to the passage I have quoted above.

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