01 September 2019

Thank You!!!

A hearty thank you to my readers, M., R., G., M., and P. who generously donated to the purchase of a new computer for Musings of an Old Curmudgeon.

An equally heartfelt thank you to those readers who clicked on adverts on the blog. You successfully put me over the $100.00 threshold.

And a thank you to those readers over the past almost two years who have made purchases on Amazon through links on the blog. 

Thanks also to those who have prayed for this Old Curmudgeon and his blog.

Thanks to all of you combined, I have a new back up tablet on order, and I was able to buy a new (used) laptop from our youngest son earlier today whilst we were meeting our seventh and newest grandchild. John and his wife are the sort of people who are likely to have a few 'spare' computers lying around!

You might wonder why I'm leaving the PayPal donate button up. Well, it's because there are books I'd love to read and review here on the blog. So if you'd like to support Musings of an Old Curmudgeon and read reviews of current books, please consider donating. However, it is no longer the emergency it was, so if you don't feel like it, don't worry! God willing, I'm going to keep blogging, whether or no.


1 comment:

  1. I've just made a donation to help fund a new computer for you.


Comments are subject to deletion if they are not germane. I have no problem with a bit of colourful language, but blasphemy or depraved profanity will not be allowed. Attacks on the Catholic Faith will not be tolerated. Comments will be deleted that are republican (Yanks! Note the lower case 'r'!), attacks on the legitimacy of Pope Francis as the Vicar of Christ (I know he's a material heretic and a Protector of Perverts, and I definitely want him gone yesterday! However, he is Pope, and I pray for him every day.), the legitimacy of the House of Windsor or of the claims of the Elder Line of the House of France, or attacks on the legitimacy of any of the currently ruling Houses of Europe.