01 September 2024

3 September, The Roman Martyrology

Tértio Nonas Septémbris Luna vicésima nona Anno Dómini 2024

On the morrow is commemorated at Rome the holy Virgin Serapia. Under the Emperor Hadrian she was given over to two young rakes, but they could not deflower her. Neither could she afterwards be burnt with torches, wherefore, by the command of the judge Berillus, she was cudgelled and then beheaded with the sword. She suffered upon the 29th day of July, and was buried by blessed Sabina in her own sepulchre hard by the threshing-floor of Vindician. But the memory of her martyrdom is kept the most chiefly upon the 3rd day of September, when the stone coffin of Sabina and of herself was there set in order and adorned, and the place of prayer was meetly dedicated.
September 3rd 2024, the 29th day of the Moon, were born into the better life:

At Corinth, holy Phoebe, of whom the blessed Apostle Paul doth make mention in writing unto the Romans.
At Aquileia, the holy Virgins, Euphemia, Dorothy, Thecla, and Erasma, all martyrs, who, after many torments, were slain with the sword under Nero, and were buried by holy Hermagoras.
At Capua, (in the persecution under the Emperor Diocletian,) the holy martyrs Aristaeus, Bishop (of that see,) and the little lad Antonine.
At Nicomedia, the holy Virgin and martyr Basilissa, who, at nine years of age, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocletian, by the power of God triumphed over stripes, fire, and wild beasts, under the President Alexander, and gave up her soul in prayer to God.
Likewise the holy martyrs Zeno and Chariton, whereof the one was cast into a vessel of molten lead and the other into a fiery furnace.
At Cordova, the holy martyr Sandalus, (who suffered in the persecution under the same Emperor Diocletian.) Upon the same day, (in the seventh century,) the holy martyrs Aigulph, Abbot of Lerins, and the monks his Companions, who had their tongues cut out and their eyes put out, and were beheaded with the sword.
At Toul, in Lorraine, (in the fourth century,) the holy Confessor Mansuetus, Bishop (of that see.) At Milan, (in the sixth century,) deceased holy Auxanus, Bishop (of that see.) Upon the same day, (at the end of the sixth century,) the holy Stylite Simeon the Younger.
At Rome is commemorated the Ordination as Supreme Pontiff of that excellent man holy Gregory the Great; the compulsion which forced that burden upon him caused the rays of his holiness to shine through all the world, all the clearer in that they shone from an higher spot.
℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
℟. Thanks be to God.

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