18 October 2020

This Message Should Be Heard on Every Pulpit in America and Canada

 I wonder how long it will be until Fr Meeks is slapped down by his Ordinary, just like Fr Altman was.

From Everyday For Life Canada

This homily given last Sunday by Fr. Edward Meeks at Christ the King parish in Towson, Maryland should be heard on every pulpit in America and Canada. Fr. Meeks courageously addresses the main issues in the upcoming 2020 presidential campaign. Of course he speaks from a Christian perspective, but all people of good will are sure to be spiritually enriched and morally guided by listening to it.

Fr. Meeks makes it clear why Joe Biden and the Democratic party cannot be supported by faithful Catholics. His position is not a suggestion. He offers five reasons based on non-negotiable Catholic teaching: 1. Biden supports abortion on demand and is pro-euthanasia; 2. He rejects the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman; 3. He will not protect religious liberty; 4. Biden has opened the door to a socialist government in America; and 5. Biden himself is a poor example of a person living the Catholic life.

From Gaudiun et Spes, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, these words are very helpful to dispel some of the political fog of our times:

"There are, indeed, close links between earthly things and those elements of man's condition which transcend the world. The Church herself makes use of temporal things insofar as her own mission requires it. She, for her part, does not place her trust in the privileges offered by civil authority. She will even give up the exercise of certain rights which have been legitimately acquired, if it becomes clear that their use will cast doubt on the sincerity of her witness or that new ways of life demand new methods. It is only right, however, that at all times and in all places, the Church should have true freedom to preach the faith, to teach her social doctrine, to exercise her role freely among men, and also to pass moral judgment in those matters which regard public order when the fundamental rights of a person or the salvation of souls require it. In this, she should make use of all the means—but only those—which accord with the Gospel and which correspond to the general good according to the diversity of times and circumstances."  

Here's the homily. Do share it with others and consider sending it to your parish priest. And if you're an American citizen, make sure you vote. God help America! 

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