20 October 2020

Police and Others Injured at San Francisco Free Speech Rally

The Revolution at work. Antifa attacks a peaceful rally. Why? To defend Twitter and FB censorship. 

From Just the News

"Antifa attacked me for no reason," Philip Anderson wrote online. "These people are racist terrorists."

A free speech demonstration in San Francisco turned violent, resulting in injuries to participants and police. 

The Saturday rally was organized by Team Save America. The group planned to hold a "free speech rally and protest against Twitter + big tech," according to the Team Save America website, which indicates that a rally was slated for 1 p.m. and a protest for 4 p.m.

Philip Anderson of Team Save America said that he was attacked, and posted images online apparently showing the damage inflicted upon him.

Video footage shows an individual with a covered face striking Anderson.

"Antifa attacked me for no reason," Anderson wrote online. "These people are racist terrorists."

The San Francisco Police Department in a statement said that three officers were harmed.

"Within minutes of the rally beginning opposition demonstrators began throwing glass bottles, plastic bottles filled with an unknown liquid, metal cans, and eggs at free speech rally participants and law enforcement personnel," the Department said in the statement. "Opposing demonstrators rushed the established barricade line in an attempt to knock it over thereby putting the safety of participants and officers at risk. One free speech rally participant was assaulted during the incident."

The rally turned so violent that it was declared a public safety hazard, police wrote.

"The rally organizer and participants were escorted from the area," police said in the statement. "As officers escorted rally participants from the area, opposition protesters continued to act aggressively. Several rally participants sustained non-life-threatening-injuries. Three San Francisco Police officers sustained non-life-threatening injuries when they were assaulted with pepper spray and caustic chemicals. One officer was transported to a local hospital for treatment. At this time no arrests have been made."

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