10 October 2020

Oh Goodie! Another Vatican Appointment

You can't make this stuff up! Francis has appointed Kevin Farrell, Pervert McCarrick's former roommate who 'knew nothing', as head of a committee on financial oversight.

From One Mad Mom

Oh boy!

Pope Francis appoints Card. Farrell, others to new special oversight commission

October 5, 2020 at 4:22 pm

Pope Francis appoints Card. Farrell, others to new special oversight commission

Pope Francis on Monday named the president and other members of a new commission tasked with oversight of public contracts exempted from recently enacted reform legislation designed to roll back corruption, increase transparency, and ensure best practices with reliable financial partners in procurement and resource management at the Vatican.

Um, what? Cardinal Farrell has been so good at oversights they’re hoping there are many more to come??? Oversights are definitely his thing.

Honestly, Cardinal “I see nothing!” Farrell is the worst person to have on the job if you want any nefarious actions caught. Maybe that’s the point?

This man literally lived with the then-Cardinal McCarrick FOR SEVERAL YEARS and didn’t know he was a sexual predator? Everyone knew it, but somehow HE missed it?!? How is it that a housewife here in California knew about it long before it couldn’t be ignored? This is the guy we want to trust with anything? I mean, he’s either clueless or he turned a blind eye and lied about it. Either is not good for an “oversight” position. That means you’re supposed to actually see and report, not be the loveable “Hogan’s Heroes” character of Sgt. Schultz. (So good, his lines are still in today’s lexicon.)

The Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, Cardinal Kevin Farrell is to be president of the Commission on Reserved Matters, so called because it monitors contracts that fall outside the purview of the June 1 Norms on Transparency, Oversight, and Competition for Public Contracts in the Holy See and Vatican City — things like the personal security of the pope, contracts funded by international organisations, and contracts undertaken to meet requirements of international agreements, as well as any contracts that are under pontifical secret.

So, the Pope established new corruption norms, but there are still some things that fall outside of those norms. So, what? They can be as corrupt as can be, and Cardinal Farrell is just the guy to monitor that because he did so well before? I’m hardly up on all the inner workings of Rome, but should contracts being funded by international organizations and agreements be secret and outside of corruption norms? Asking for a friend.

Other members appointed to the Commission on Monday include the President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See — APSA — Bishop Nunzio Galantino, the Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City State — the body that governs Vatican City day-to-day — Bishop Fernando Vergez Alzaga, and the Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, Fr Juan A. Guerrero SJ. The President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, Archbishop Filippo Iannone, is to be the Commission’s Secretary.

Well, let’s just look at this list of Vatican all stars:

Bishop Galantino: “My wish for the Italian Church is that it is able to listen without any taboo to the arguments in favor of married priests, the Eucharist for the divorced, and homosexuality.”

Bishop Alzaga: Somebody in his office edited Taylor Marshall’s Wikipedia page with some calumnious stuff. Wonder if the bishop ever apologized? At best, it doesn’t show good management when you’ve got people in your office doing stuff like that.

Father Guerrero, SJ:  I’m just going to go with, he’s a Jesuit. Well, also, he’s smack dab in the middle of the whole Cardinal Pell/Becciu craziness. Took a wee bit of time for him to find out $26 million was missing from the Pope’s fund, too. But, hey, I guess we could say at least it was found out?

Archbishop Iannone: Well at least he was on the right side of the German Synod. He also handled the case at the Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata, a hospital scandal where a priest stole a bunch of money. So, if I were AB Iannone, I’d kind of be worried I might be the next Cardinal Pell, but maybe that’s just me still blown away by that story. I’d keep my eye on my fellow committee members, though.

The announcement came on the same day Pope Francis addressed the management and staff of a venerable Italian financial institution, the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti of Turin, as they celebrate the investment bank’s 170th anniversary.

“Business management always requires fair and clear conduct from everyone, which does not yield to corruption,” Pope Francis told his guests gathered in the Paul VI Hall. “Christian thought is not contrary in principle to the prospect of profit,” Pope Francis also said, “rather it is contrary to profit at any cost.”

Uh, yeah. No comment.

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