10 October 2020

Bishop Who Knelt for BLM Says Catholics Can’t Be Single Issue Pro-Life Voters

Another false shepherd doing all he can to lead Catholics into voting for the viciously anti-Catholic Party of Death. 

From LifeSiteNews

By Doug Mainwaring

El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz wrote, ‘We should recognize, too, the step forward represented by the selection of Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. Our daughters and sons need to see women reflected in our nation’s highest leadership.’

October 5, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A Texas bishop has joined with dissident Catholic apologists for the Democrat Party, declaring, “Single-issue voting has corrupted Christian political witness.”  

In a rambling 2,500-word commentary published in Jesuit-run America Magazine, El Paso Bishop Mark J. Seitz ping-ponged between denunciations of both major U.S. political parties, but clearly came out in favor of the virulently pro-abortion Democrats because he sees abortion as just one of many “challenging” moral issues facing the nation in the upcoming election. 

Seitz, who was famously photographed in early June kneeling while holding a “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) sign, wrote, “We have also seen how the promise of equality contained in our founding documents has been deferred again and again because we cannot confess with one voice — as church or country — what should be self-evident, that Black lives matter,” ignoring that organization’s manifesto calling for the dissolution of the nuclear family while promoting abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism.   

“In an aggressively secular and hyper-competitive world, we should be grateful for the public respect for Pope Francis shown by the Democratic nominee, former vice president Joseph R. Biden Jr., and the values of the working-class ethos that Mr. Biden aims to project,” wrote Seitz, overlooking the fact that President Donald Trump has become the champion of the forgotten working man after the Democratic Party’s long ago decision to ignore the white middle class.   

“We should recognize, too, the step forward represented by the selection of Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. Our daughters and sons need to see women reflected in our nation’s highest leadership,” continued Seitz, failing to mention that Harris is a key cheerleader for Planned Parenthood, having played a key role in defending Planned Parenthood over its sale of aborted baby parts while she served as California’s attorney general.  

During an interview with Breitbart News in August, pro-life activist David Daleiden said, “Kamala Harris is the biggest threat to First Amendment civil liberties and First Amendment civil rights that our country has ever seen, in my opinion.”  

“As a bishop on the border, I am also encouraged by the Biden campaign’s promises to address climate change, create a path to citizenship for the undocumented, restore protections for asylum seekers and never repeat the criminal practice of separating families at the border,” added Seitz.

Without offering substantiation, the El Paso bishop went on to accuse Christians who are single-issue voters of “scandalously” turning a blind eye to “real breakdowns in solidarity and dehumanizing policies, including crackdowns on worker rights and voting rights, the slashing of social support for the poor and sick, racism and the exploitation of immigrants and the environment.”

Turning his attention to the incumbent candidate, Seitz continued his litany of accusations saying that “Supported by a pagan aesthetic of self-assertion and buoyed by a destructive politics of fear and xenophobia, his administration has encouraged the worst expressions of nativism.”  

Ironically, Seitz makes no mention of Pope Francis’ very real promotion of actual paganism at the Vatican last year.   

A united plea from clergy and lay scholars to the Pope to repent for sacrilegious “Pachamama” idolatry at the 2019 Amazon Synod went unheeded.

“I share the pain, frustration and confusion facing Catholic voters this year at what feels like an impossible binary choice,” Seitz stated toward the end of his missive, but those who join with the USCCB in reognizing abortion as the preeminent life issue facing the nation experience no such “pain, frustration and confusion.”  

Pro-life priests have repeatedly rejected the notion that Catholics can in good conscience support the Biden-Harris ticket.

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