From Saint for a Minute
Saint Lanoald of Maastricht, also known as Lanoald of Ghent, Lanoald of Haspengau, Lanoald of Wintershoven, Landoald, Landoaldus, Landoalt, Landowaldus, was a priest in Rome, Italy. Born in Lombardy, Italy, he dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Christianity and evangelizing various regions in modern-day France and Belgium. One of his significant contributions was the founding of the church at Wintershoven, Belgium. Alongside Saint Amantius of Wintershoven, Saint Lanoald tirelessly worked to bring people closer to God through their teachings and evangelization efforts. They were instrumental in the establishment of the Christian faith in the areas they visited. Not much is known about Saint Lanoald's representation as there are no specific symbols or attributes associated with him. Saint Lanoald of Maastricht passed away around the year 668, leaving behind a legacy of dedication and service to the Church. Although there is no formal canonization process recorded, his exemplary life and virtuous actions made him widely venerated as a saint by the faithful even before the formal establishment of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. While his patronage has not been specifically identified, Saint Lanoald remains a revered figure within the Catholic Church and continues to inspire believers with his commitment to the Christian mission. His feast days are celebrated on the 19th of March and on the 13th of June in some calendars. These dates serve as occasions for faithful followers to honor his memory and seek his intercession in their spiritual journeys. Saint Lanoald's life story serves as a testament to the power of faith and the transformative influence of dedicated individuals who answer the call to serve God and His people.
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