Well, not quite, but "Vatican III" as in a new "Ecclesial Assembly" called upon as part of the "synodal process". Will the "synodal" madness never end?
From Rorate Cæli
Pope approves convocation of post-synodal Ecclesial Assembly in 2028
Pope Francis officially initiates a new phase in the Church’s synodal journey by approving an accompaniment process that will culminate in an Ecclesial Assembly in 2028. [Vatican News]
Wait, Francis? Or "Francis"?
Is it working like the "Biden" administration, in which so many things were apparently decided without Biden himself being very much aware of them?
Because the real Francis has been in a severe hospitalization moment since February 14th, and does not seem to be in a position to call a major worldwide Church assembly to be gathered three years hence.
If he returns from the Gemelli Hospital to the Vatican, the first thing he should do is to check if he is actually still in charge...
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