Well, duh! When you throw your borders open to an invading army, there are going to be casualties, whether you like it or not. What did they expect?
From The European Conservative
By Zoltán Kottász
More than fifty percent of violent crimes in the capital were committed by non-German citizens.
More than 50% of the perpetrators of violent crimes committed in Berlin by men are foreigners, German media outlet Junge Freiheit reported.
According to police statistics, of the 12,284 male suspects arrested last year, 6,407 did not have a German passport.
This means that foreigners are overrepresented when it comes to violent crime: foreigners make up 24.9% of Berlin’s population, yet an astounding 52.2% of male criminals do not possess a German passport—the rate for this was 50.5% in 2023.
The proportion of male migrant perpetrators may be even higher, because the statistics do not take into account whether the criminals with German citizenship were born abroad or have a migrant background.
There is also a worrying trend related to gang violence committed by foreign juveniles: in 2023, they made up 35.2% of all such crimes. That rate has risen to 38.3%.
The overall number of homicides also increased by a staggering 51.9%—from 77 such cases in 2023 to 117 last year.
Among politically motivated crimes, the number of cases involving “foreign ideologies” or “religious ideologies” rose in a particularly drastic manner: by 169.3% and 123.8% respectively. According to Junge Freiheit, this can be attributed to the Israel-Hamas war and a rise in antisemitism in Germany among Muslim communities.
The numbers paint a bleak picture about how the influx of millions of migrants in the last decade, and their lack of integration, has changed Germany—possibly forever.
The new study coincides with a similar report from last year which assessed that the total number of crimes committed in Germany has risen to its highest rate since 2012, and that non-Germans were statistically more likely to commit sexual crimes, or resort to violence—such as knife attacks—than German citizens.
Against this backdrop, it is unsurprising that the two parties that promised to be tough on migration, the centre-right CDU/CSU and the right-wing AfD, topped the polls at the German elections in February.
Unfortunately for German voters, the CDU/CSU has since changed its course to meet the demands of its future coalition partner, the Social Democrats, who want to bring in 500,000 immigrants a year and give non-German migrants the right to vote.
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