15 December 2024

Eastern Rite ~ Feasts of 16 December AM 7533

Today is the Feast of the Holy Prophet Aggee.

The Holy Prophet Aggee was the tenth of the Twelve Minor Prophets. He was of the Tribe of Levi and he prophesied during the times of the Persian emperor Darius Hystaspis (prior to 500 B.C.). Upon the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Captivity, he persuaded the people to build the Second Temple at Jerusalem, and he proclaimed that the Messiah would appear in this Temple in the last times.

It is believed that Aggee was buried with the priests at Jerusalem, since he was descended from Aaron.

Troparion — Tone 2

We celebrate the memory / of Your prophet 
Aggee, O Lord; / through him we entreat You, / save our souls.

Kontakion — Tone 4

(Podoben: “Today You have shown forth...”)
Enlightened by the Spirit, your pure heart became the dwelling place of most splendid prophecy; / for you saw things far off as if they were near. / Therefore, we honour you, blessed and glorious Prophet 

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