08 June 2024

Bishop Challoner's Meditations ~ June 9th (Transferred from February 16th)


Consider first, that a devout life is indeed the most happy of lives, and the most secure way to an eternal life. For true devotion is the very perfection of charity and love; she is queen of virtues. But beware, O my soul, of the error of such false devotees as make all devotion consist in certain external exercises, destitute of the internal spirit; or in huddling over a number of prayers, or in frequent fastings, disciplines, or hair shirts; or in giving alms, or in frequenting the sacraments; or in following some other religious practices, which happed to be agreeable to their inclinations; though they remain all the while unmortified in their passions, full of self-love, and void of all true charity, either to God, or to their neighbours; whereas true devotion cannot be without keeping of all the commandments, but more especially these two, of loving God above all things, and our neighbours as ourselves.

Consider 2ndly, that to be truly devout, is to give one's self truly to God, according to the original meaning of the word devotion, which signifies a dedication and consecration of one's self to God. So that true devotion consists in always seeking God, and tending to him; in embracing in all things his holy will, and ever loving and obeying his holy law. He that does this, is truly devout; but he that does not love the will of God, better than his own humour is not devout, although he prays all day long, and sheds floods of tears. Consequently, he that is a slave to any of his passions; he that entertains a rancour to any one of his neighbours; he that sets his heart upon the world, and its toys, more than God, can never be truly devout, because he wants the very foundation of true devotion, which is loving God above all things. As to those other things mentioned above, they are often the attendants of true devotion, or its effects; but then devotion does not consist in any of them, and they may often be found in such as have no true devotion, no true charity, nor even true faith, 'without which no one can please God.' Heb. xi.

Consider 3rdly, that true devotion is not always sensible, nor does it consist in a certain sensible tenderness, which some people experience in prayer: whilst others, who perhaps in the sight of God are better Christians, meet with nothing for a long time but dryness and desolation. Some persons are of a more soft and tender nature and are easily affected even unto tears, and yet withal are very superficial in the love of God; quickly forget their good resolutions of serving him; easily yield in the time of temptation; shrink under every cross, and never arrive at solid virtue - and where is their devotion all this while, since it dries up, like their tears, in a moment, and brings forth no fruit? How much more devout is that Christian who continues constant in prayer, though he finds no sensible comfort therein; who goes not to prayer to seek his own pleasure, but to please his God, and to glorify him; who is willing to take up the cross, and to help his Saviour in the carriage of his cross, by bearing, for the love of him, the dryness and desolation that he endures, without leaving his accustomed exercise: in a word, whose prayer is conformity of his own will to the will of God. O this is devotion indeed; but sensible consolations, without this conformity, deserve not the name of devotion.

Conclude to make no account of any feeling of devotion, that is not accompanied with charity, humility, and conformity to the will of God; and thou wilt be sure not to be imposed upon, as great numbers have been by false appearances, and phantoms of devotion, to the danger of the loss of their precious souls.

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