14 June 2024

Bishop Challoner's Meditations ~ June 15th


Consider first, that the excellence and dignity of a sacrifice is to be estimated by the excellence and dignity of the victim that is offered, of the priest that makes the offering, and of the ends for which the oblation is made. Now all those things concur to recommend in the highest degree the sacrifice of the blessed Eucharist; which in substance is the same with that which the Son of God offered upon the cross, because both the victim is the same and the chief priest is the same, and both the one and the other answer the same ends, though in a different manner. See then, my soul, and admire the excellence of this great sacrifice, which is offered on our altars; a sacrifice in which the whole passion and death of Jesus Christ is solemnly acted by himself in person, in such a manner, as to be himself both the priest and the victim; the sacrificer and the sacrifice. Christ Jesus, the Son God, was the great high priest of God and men, who solemnly offered his own body and blood upon the cross, a sacrifice to God for all mankind; his body and blood was the victim by which we were redeemed. And this same great high priest of God and men, officiates also in person, in the sacrifice of the altar; and there offers up the same victim of his body and blood to his heavenly Father in our behalf. O can anything be more divine than such a sacrifice, in which a God is the priest, and a God the victim!

Consider 2ndly, the noble ends and intentions for which this sacrifice is daily offered by the Son of God in person, upon our altars; where he presents himself attended by his heavenly host, as the high priest of heaven and earth; and solemnly offers his body as delivered up, broken and slain, and his blood as poured out. First, as a sacrifice of sovereign adoration and homage, praise and glory to God on high; infinitely more honoured by this worship which he here receives from his own Son mystically dying on our altars, that by all the holocausts and burnt-offerings of the patriarchs and prophets, and all the homage which all the saints put together either have, or ever could, offer to him, although their whole beings were to evaporate to his glory. Secondly, he offers up his body and blood as a sacrifice of a general thanksgiving - of a most sweet odour in the sight of God, for all his graces, blessings, and communications of his goodness to any of his creatures; for our creation, preservation, redemption, &c.; for his own great glory; for the whole church of heaven and earth; and for all that he has done in favour of Christ (the great head of the church of heaven and earth) according to his human nature. Thirdly, he offers his body and blood together with his whole passion and death, as a sacrifice of a general propitiation for the sins of the living and the dead, in favour of whom he represents to his eternal Father the blood of the everlasting covenant. And fourthly, he offers the same body and blood as a sacrifice of a general supplication for his whole family; that is, for his whole church, and for all its pastors and people, that all graces and blessings may be derived to their souls from the fountains of their Saviour. O infinite goodness! what treasures hast thou opened for us in these divine mysteries!

Consider 3rdly, that as often as we go to celebrate or assist at these sacred mysteries, it may be proper to represent to ourselves that we are called upon, as by a royal proclamation from heaven, to be sanctified, and to come alone with our great high priest, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and with his whole church of heaven and earth; and to join in a most solemn sacrifice that is going to be offered to God for all the great ends above mentioned. Yes, Christians; for it is a most certain truth that in this divine sacrifice we present ourselves at the altar of God, before the throne of his mercy, with Jesus Christ his Son as our head, and in the society of his whole family, the whole people of God, wherever they are; (for the sacrifice is offered by Jesus Christ in the name of them all,) and that by the hands of this our high priest, and with the concurrence of his whole church, we here offer up to God the most acceptable victim that can be presented to his divine majesty; the most agreeable adoration and thanksgiving that can be offered; the most powerful atonement for sin; and the most effectual means for obtaining all graces and blessings, by offering up the passion and death of the Son of God.

Conclude to approach always to these most sacred and sublime mysteries with the most profound veneration, lively faith, and ardent devotion; and even to join your intention according to all these four ends, with the principal offerer Jesus Christ, and with his whole church.

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