24 June 2024

Ask Father: Attacks on the Vetus Ordo… “Aren’t You Worried?”

Fr Zed with advice for the laity, Priests, and seminarians. Worrying will not help!

From a reader…


What on earth is going on with a new document that will ban the TLM (Traditional Latin Mass)?  You seem quiet.  Don’t you worry about this?

This question represents many notes I’ve received.   I’ll answer this.  I’ll tell you what I think could happen.  I’ll give advice to seminarians and potential seminarians, lay people in general, and priests.

Don’t I worry about this?  Yes, and no.

Yes, I worry about this, because the powers that be are going to hurt a great number of innocent people.

No, I don’t worry about this, because worrying won’t help.

All analogies limp, but this is a good reminder: a scene in the movie Bridge of Spies.

This analogy breaks down in that the cold war era Soviet spy on trial really is guilty of a crime and those who want to have traditional worship are not guilty of anything but reverence.   They are – as is more and more evident – far more sinned against than sinning.

Nevertheless the response from the Russian spy about “bosses” and about worrying seem apt in the Church today.  We have our “bosses” too, don’t we.

I have cited that movie clip before.  Freaking out and running around with your hair on fire because something might happen, even is going to happen is not helpful.

We must stay frosty and focused. 

If anything, ramp up your prayer life and mortifications.

Pray for those who have attacked you and who will attack you again.

I’ll repeat that.  They will attack you again.   In another of my vintage “classic” posts riffing on the “Laws of the House of God” (about a hospital in Boston), I cite the Laws of the legendary “Fat Man”.  Law 8: “They can always hurt you more.”

We have to get our heads into a place that will help us to maintain our cool and balance in a storm or wave of storms.

Mental and spiritual preparation beforehand is needed.

After the last stab at at the hearts of those attracted to Tradition, I said that it was probable that there would be another round of pogroms in the Church.

It’s the people they want to crush even more than the rites.  They fear and despise the people.

From where I sit and from what I read and hear, we must stay cool.   We must stay cool and we must plan.

I’ve written here before about house chapels.  You know what to do.  Get your “thing” together.

I say this because I firmly believe that, if and when another anti-Vetus Ordo edict is issued, the attack will be on diocesan priests with threats in the back channels against diocesan bishops.  Think of at least one bishop who was shot on the deck of his ship, “pour encourager les autres”.

To back up for a moment, I wrote for years and years and years that the true movement of reform would not start until the diocesan priests started saying the Vetus Ordo.  That would have a massive effect on their identity, their understanding of themselves as priests at the altar.   In turn that would have a knock on effect on the people in the pews, because their priests would be saying Mass, preaching and behaving differently.

So long as the Vetus Ordo was confined to a few places operated by specialist groups such as the FSSP and ICK – and there’s nothing wrong with them – the Vetus Ordo wasn’t much a a threat.  It was hated by the deep church but it was sort of like, in Star Trek, how the Borg didn’t activate and become hostile until they perceived you as a threat.   The Vetus Ordo grew.  The threat was that the Vetus Ordo would become mainstream in diocesan parishes.  From 2007 when Summorum Pontificum came out, there were some 50 places where the TLM was present.  Ten years later, there were 500.   The Borg activated.

I address myself to traditionally-minded young men thinking about the seminary.   

Gentlemen, it could be a good idea before the really bad times start to learn a trade.  I don’t know if this might entail night school or crash courses or whatever.  Don’t be dreamy about this.  Consider plumbing, electrical work, technical positions, EMT, etc.  Be practical. (Learning Chinese might be practical too, if you think about it.)

I write to lay people who might be in a position to help in what I am about to suggest.

Progroms against tradition and traditionally-minded Catholics strike at the heart of the Church herself.  The knock-on effects of these cruel measures, present and future, will only result in negative ripple-effects that accelerate the widening of the demographic sink hole into which swathes of Catholics are falling.

I write to priests. 

Fathers, it might not be a bad idea to acquire some property where you can live.   Believe me. Something you own, where no one (you know who I mean) can throw you out.  You can always sell it or pass it on.

A key to this is to stay cool and to plan.  Do not fret.  We are not without means and without creativity.  Slamming doors in the faces of those who love Tradition will result in the opening of windows in another part of the house.

Let no one freak out about this new slate of bad news.   BE WARY of the videos of the Johnny-come-lately pundits.   Just because they are newcomers doesn’t mean that they are wrong.  But some of us have already been there.

We must stay calm and soldier on.

I’ll return to a theme I hammer at.  Prepare home chapels.  It might be realistic project to network and buy a church.  After all, they are being closed everywhere.   It can always be used just for catechesis, recitation of the Rosary, and other devotions.  No one would ever suggest that it be set up as a counterpoint to the few diocesan parishes remaining after the powers that be crush the Vetus Ordo in parishes.

Do I think that things will be this bad?  I  think we are better off prepared, than not.  You will, moever, never regret having acquired those practical skills, having that home chapel, that church, or that private property.

Finally, before any other shoe drops, for the love of all that is holy, do all that you can to augment the numbers of people frequenting the Traditional Latin Mass whenever and wherever it is celebrated.  Be inviting.  Coax, urge, cajole.  Smile and offer to ride.  It is very important that everyone sees that TLMs are well-attended and growing.  If you are not doing something, every week, to try to help this, then if something bad happens where you are, you had best not utter a word.  We are in this together and we need you.

If the pogrom doesn’t come?  GOOD.  You will have maintained your cool and have benefited in the meantime, spiritually and temporally, without having made foolish mistakes.

Also, the Enemy’s hand in this.  Go to confession.  Be sure you are clean, that you mind is clear, and that your actions are meritorious.

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