17 June 2024

Video ~ Ancient Hidden Histories of St Peters Basilica: A Historical Tour

00:00 - Intro and St Peter's Square 03:00 - Inside St Peter's Square Colonnades 04:00 - Papal escape rout from the Vatican City to Castel Sant'Angelo 07:20 - Vatican Obelisk 09:58 - Nero's Circus 11:42 - Vatican Necropolis 13:12 - St Peter's tomb 14:41 - Constantine's Basilica (Old St Peter's) 18:35 - New St Peter's Basilica 24:25 - Interior of St Peter's Basilica 43:47 - St Peter's Dome and view from the top Resources used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRy58... A Virtual Reconstruction of the Old St Peter’s Basilica - Gregory DiPippo: https://www.newliturgicalmovement.org... Virtual Reconstruction of St Peter Basilica – course review https://luthonium.com/virtual-heritag...

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