22 June 2024

24 June, The Roman Martyrology

Octávo Kaléndas Iúlii Luna décima séptima Anno Dómini 2024

The morrow is the birthday of the holy Baptist John, the Forerunner of the Lord, the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth, who was filled with the Holy Ghost while yet he was in his mother's womb.
June 24th 2024, the 17th day of the Moon, is made the commemoration of

The very many holy martyrs at Rome who were falsely accused by the Emperor Nero of having set the city on fire, and were by him ordered to be put to death in many diverse and most cruel ways.
Some were sewn up in the skins of wild beasts and put to be torn by dogs, some were crucified, some were burnt as torches to give light by night these were all disciples of the Apostles, and the first martyrs whom the Church of Rome, a field fruitful in martyrs, sent to be with the Lord, even before the slaying of the Apostles themselves.
There also the holy martyrs Faustus and twenty-three others.
At Mechelen, in Brabant, [in the eighth century,] the holy martyr Rombout, Bishop [of that city,] son of an Irish king and Bishop of Dublin.
At Satala, in Armenia, the holy brethren Orentius, Eros, Pharnacius, Firminus, Firmus, Cyriacus, and Longinus, all soldiers and all martyrs. Because they were Christians, the Emperor Maximian expelled them from the army, separated them from one another, and sent them to diverse places, where in sorrow and suffering they fell asleep in the Lord, [about the year 306.]
In the village of Créteil, in the country near Paris, the holy martyrs Agoard and Agilbert, with others, both men and women, who cannot be counted.
At Autun, the holy Confessor Simplicius, Bishop [of that see.]
At Lobbes, the holy Theodulf, Bishop [of that see.]
At Style, in Calabria, holy John, surnamed Therestus, famous for his praise as a monk, and for his holy life.
℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
℟. Thanks be to God.

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