16 February 2024

Косово је српско! Kosovo is Serbian!

Sixteen years ago today, the jihadists in Serbian Kosovo declared 'independence'.

Tsar Lazar and his wife, Tsaritsa Milica. 

Tsar Lazar is one of the most famous Serbian monarchs. He led the Serbian chivalry against the Turkish jihadists and died in the Battle of Kosovo, on 28 June 1389 (OS, 15 June NS) in 1389, in an effort to stop the jihadist invasion of Europe.

After the defeat his wife, the Tsaritsa Milica (born a Nemanjić), gave a massive beeswax candle to the Church, with instructions that it was not to be lit until her husband's death was avenged.

In 1912, during the First Balkan War, the Serbs tried to lead the Turks onto Kosovo Field to do battle. Failing to succeed in that, they met them at Kumanovo, approximately 100 km southeast of the site of the battle in 1389.

After soundly defeating the jihadis, King Petar led the Serb Army to Ravanica Monastery where Lazar's relics are enshrined. There a moleben of thanksgiving (a Te Deum) was sung, and the King lit the candle that the Taritsa had donated 523 years before.

In Serbian epic tradition, Lazar is said to have been visited the night before battle by a grey hawk or falcon from Jerusalem who offered a choice between an earthly kingdom—implying victory at the Battle of Kosovo—or a heavenly kingdom—which would come as the result of a peaceful capitulation or bloody defeat.
"...the Prophet Elias then appeared as a grey falcon to Lazar, bearing a letter from the Holy Theotokos that told him the choice was between holding an earthly kingdom and entering the kingdom of heaven..."
According to the epics, Lazar opted for the eternal, heavenly kingdom and consequently perished on the battlefield. "We die with Christ, to live forever", he told his soldiers. That Kosovo's declaration and testament is regarded as a covenant which the Serb people made with God and sealed with the blood of martyrs. Since then all Serbs faithful to that Testament regard themselves as the people of God, Christ's New Testament nation, heavenly Serbia, part of God's New Israel. This is why Serbs sometimes refer to themselves as the people of Heaven.

The 'Curse of Kosovo':

"Whoever is a Serb and of Serb birth,
And of Serb blood and heritage,
And comes not to the Battle of Kosovo,
May he never have the progeny his heart desires,
Neither son nor daughter!
May nothing grow that his hand sows,
Neither dark wine nor white wheat!
And let him be cursed from all ages to all ages!"

– Lazar curses those who do not take up arms against the Turks at the Battle of Kosovo, from a poem first published in 1815. 
Here is the post I made on my old blog 16 years ago today when the so-called 'nation' of Kosovo declared its 'independence':

I will not even bother posting links to the news articles, because I assume that anyone reading this blog has already seen them. They are all over the web, with obscene pictures of the jihadists celebrating their (temporary, I assure you!) victory. The fascinating thing is that the swine are celebrating the establishment of their "State" by waving the flag of a foreign country! This shows that their actual aim has nothing to do with "independence". They are attempting to create a "Greater Albania" as a jihadist outpost in Europe.

I am morbidly fascinated by the support for this illegal and immoral act from the US, its NATO allies and the EU. It seems that when the UN backs their "war on terror" in Afghanistan, it is "She who must be obeyed", but when they want to support jihadist terrorism, the UN is simply to be ignored! And of course, it is important to remember that the Kosovar jihadists would be in no position to declare "independence" if it were not for the terror campaign against the Serb people carried out by Bill Clinton and his minions in NATO in 1999.

This putative declaration of "independence" violates international law, but so did the US/NATO actions in 1999 as does the continued illegal occupation of sovereign Serbian territory by NATO troops. It also violates the UN Charter which guarantees the territorial integrity of member States and it violates, specifically, Security Council Resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999.

As I have pointed out many times before, on this blog, in fora in which I participate and in person to whoever would listen, Kosovo is the heartland of Serbia. It was in Kosovo that the Serbian Nation was founded, in Kosovo that the Serbian Church took root and it was in Kosovo that the flower of Serbian chivalry was slaughtered, dying in defence of the West against the Turkish hordes. Now as the Munich of Europe approaches and the dictators of the EU prepare to throw open the gates of Europe to the jihad, the Kosovars see their chance to tear the heart out of Serbia and they are being aided, abetted, helped and protected by two-faced hypocrites in Washington and other Western capitals who claim to be fighting terror.

This blatant power grab by the jihadists in Europe must not be allowed to stand! I ask my readers to immediately protest to their governments by all legitimate and legal means, asking that Kosovar "independence" not be recognised, that the occupying troops be withdrawn from Serbian territory and that Serbia be allowed to fulfil its obligations under SC Res. 1244.

Живела Србија!
Живело српско Косово!
Long live Serbia!
Long live Serbian Kosovo!

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