14 August 2023

Michael Coren: Apostle of Apostasy?

Mr Coren is a Canadian. I lived in Canada during his second period as a Catholic. I read him regularly. His is a sad case. Do pray for him.

From A Treasure To Be Shared

Michael Coren - for a while a convert to Catholicism (1984), then an evangelical (1990s), then a Catholic again (2004 - 2014) - is now an Anglican minister. One thing is clear, and highly unfortunate - Michael Coren has become adept at apostasy. Pray for him.

Mr. Coren now claims to have found the real Gospel. His current views, however, approximate those of a religious socialist, and are very different from those beliefs to which he passionately wed himself a decade ago.

Divorced from reason and charity, Coren should not be surprised that he might one day find himself divorced and his marriage declared null.

(H)is wife, Bernadette, a philosophy teacher at Humber College, acknowledges he often crosses the line. “Oh yeah. He goes way over the top,” she says, “but that’s the shock element, the sharpened needle. He has to keep sharpening it, otherwise he gets dull.” She believes her husband’s writings force people to think, to “turn up their mental soil every once in a while.” But Coren dug a deep hole with her when, in one diary entry, he depicted Mother Teresa getting looped in a bar. Bernadette, a practising Roman Catholic, took offence. “Sometimes he’s so lurid I’m surprised - I say to myself, ‘Who is this man I’m sleeping with?'” - https://rrj.ca/cloak-and-dagger/

Who, indeed, is Michael Coren?

Coren claims to be pro- this and pro- that, and pro- all the approved liberal Anglican virtues gathered under the rainbow-plus umbrella, which he and his fellow adherents somehow imagine to be orthodox Christianity. His religion is merely a chimera of ideas emerging from the sludge of contemporary ideologies at odds with authentic human sexuality.

Coren is unable to distinguish between 1) the good act of accompanying the person out of sin, and 2) the disastrous enabling of sinful behaviour. Coren once defended Catholic teaching, that is, the saving teaching of Jesus Christ. He now blanches at the Church's teaching about God's design for human sexuality.

Michael Coren has bought into the revisionist dogma of the cultural elites seeding societies with their depraved ideas that diminish human dignity, and that rob children of their innocence, end their lives and that kill their souls.

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. - St Matthew 10:28

I’m now a(n Anglican) priest, spend my time trying to preach the genuine song of the Gospels, and write books and columns doing the same. - Michael Coren

It would be better for him if a millstone were hung round his neck and he were cast into the sea, than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. - St Luke 17:2

In a recent opinion piece lapped up by a dying American for-profit woke media enterprise, Coren engages in what amounts to an attempt at self absolution. (Which particular god's blessing Coren is seeking is anyone's guess.) In the article, Coren preaches the usual mindless leftist tropes about how orthodox exegetes have been misguided about the Biblical teaching on sexuality. Coren adopts the "we're so much more enlightened now" modernist piecemeal approach that would have us imagine that Catholic commentators have been wrong about human sexuality all along. The revisionist history of Coren and company, composed of outright lies, falls flat beneath the weight of the constant witness of the Catholic Church.

One might be tempted to laugh at this man's flip flopping, and the inadequate attempts to justify his mental and verbal gymnastics. However, Michael Coren is a man clearly in need of the medicine of truth spoken in love to evacuate his brain of the mesmerizing evil of many contemporary mental miscalculations of which he is but one casualty among millions.

(Michael Coren) is a mystery in part because he might also be considered the male counterpart to poet Ogden Nash’s famous character Mrs. Marmaduke Moore, the woman who changed her religion seven times. Coren may not have changed his religion seven times yet, but he’s catching up. In a July 10 review of Unplanned, a ground-breaking movie that exposes Planned Parenthood’s greed and ethical misconduct, the former Catholic pro-lifer is now writing as a pro-abortion Anglican. ... (Coren’s) caricatures of the pro-life movement could be expected from an outsider. But part of the enigma of Coren’s sneers is that it wasn’t so long ago he was on the side of the unborn—indeed, one of their most eloquent defenders. - Tom Bartlett

Has Coren reached a point of perfect possession, the result of an incremental embrace of the invitations of some diabolical spirit whispering half-truths? It may very well be that Michael Coren is under the influence of dark powers that take delight in the fall of someone who has a sharp mind that is accessible (and corruptible) through the trapdoor of pride.

Pray for Michael Coren, his Catholic wife and four children.

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