20 August 2023

Guest Post by Jack Seney

Mr Seney comments on the kangaroo court proceedings in DC where pro-lifers are on trial for talking to women contemplating murder.
Lauren Handy is usually of Louisiana, but she and other peaceful pro-life activists are on trial in Washington, D.C. for the "crime" of walking into abortion clinics to talk to women about possibly keeping or putting up for adoption their babies, and not killing them in conspiracy with an abortion "doctor."
This "crime" of talking to pregnant women has been jigged up by the law in D.C. to now be punishable by up to 11 years in prison.
The judge in this case and legal system representatives are generally doing everything they possibly can to see to it that Handy and company are found guilty. The judge has repeatedly barred common legal tactics that tend to go in favor of pro-life defendants, barred jury selection questions trying to assure that people who at least SAY they can be open-minded can get on the jury, and barred defense lawyers' questions about abortion itself aimed at proving its murderous nature.
By the time the judge and system were done putting the pro-life defendants' rights through a shredder, nothing much has remained for the defense as the kangaroo court, I mean the trial gets under way. Except for the defendants themselves.
The pro-lifers still have the right to testify on the record in their own defense, even in this Alice In Wonderland courtroom. And this every one of them will do. They will do the opposite of the usual felony defendant who 90% of the time will use his right to remain silent.
Instead they will fully and in totally honest detail describe why they are motivated to save babies from being murdered in their mothers' wombs and why they go about doing this in the peaceful way that they do.
Instead they will tell of little lives actually saved as mothers decided not to have abortions and left the foul abortuaries behind.
Instead they will describe the services available to take care of such little lives and disprove the pro-aborts' incredibly ignorant "Well what's da point a' havin' babies if deyz just gonna be poor and on welfare?!"
And the pro-lifers will not describe some corny modernist scenario about "race relatoons." Instead they will describe the physical fact of black babies being disproportionately targeted by abortion murder over other babies, in an attempt at genocide beginning at the very beginning of life.
On and on the pro-life defendants will go in their own honest words, with prosecution "objections" coming too late to stop the effect of what jurors will actually, physically hear. Let us pray that this will be enough of a defense to acquit the pro-lifers of the sinfully nonsensical government charges against them.
I will go on to add that I am not even much of a supporter of peaceful lawbreaking tactics against abortion. I know that women have been dissuaded from abortion simply by the PRESENCE of pro-lifers praying their rosaries outside an abortuary and that they have turned to these pro-lifers for help. Therefore I see no "need" for resistance tactics inside abortuaries.
What is needed is not direct action inside abortuaries but COUNTLESS MORE people and their rosaries outside of abortuaries, ready to help the pregnant women who will turn to them. The abortuaries would soon be out of their dirty business shortly thereafter. But if the Lauren Handys of the world continue to follow the peaceful course of direct action, then I will continue to defend them always.

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