14 June 2023

Woman With Same-Sex Attraction Calls on D.C. Archdiocese to Cancel Parish's "Pride" Mass in Viral Tweet

"We do not want to be identified by our disordered impulses or celebrate our past sins. This is what Pride does." She's a very brave woman!

From ChurchPOP

By Jacqueline Burkepile 

One woman's tweet went viral after she penned an open letter to the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., requesting the cancellation of an upcoming "Pride" Mass scheduled on June 14.

Anna-Katherine Howell, a 31-year-old woman who says she struggles with same-sex attraction, addressed the letter to Cardinal Wilton Gregory of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.

Howell explained that she once lived a lifestyle contrary to the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality, and she is "not proud of any of this."

"From my teen years up until my conversion, I lived a horribly sinful life, including a great deal of promiscuity, an addiction to pornography, and a same-sex 'marriage' at age 26," Howell tweeted.

Howell explained that rather than celebrating the sin, she celebrates her repentance and return to the Church.

"I celebrate my repentance, conversion, and sincere amendment of life through the grace of Our Lord, which never fails, even when I do. By that very grace, I am living a chaste and holy life as the Church very clearly identifies (see CCC 2359) as my calling."

Howell then argues that while she believes the Church has good intentions, hosting Pride events results in an opposite effect on same-sex attracted Catholics.

She said "LGBTQ" does not define her identity.

"Our attraction is a thing we experience, not an identity we are defined by," Howell stresses.

"It is the Father of Lies, the Accuser, who insists on calling us by our sins. Our loving Father in Heaven calls us by our names. We do not want to be identified by our disordered impulses or celebrate our past sins. This is what Pride does."

As of this writing, the letter generated nearly 150,000 views, over 500 retweets, and almost 2400 likes.

Here's Howell's full letter:

In a second tweet, Howell called on her fellow Catholics to join her call to action.

She requested Catholics email Cardinal Gregory and "tell him you oppose the 'Pride Mass' at Holy Trinity Church in Washington, D.C."

"We must get this shut down!" Howell stressed.

"Consider mentioning that 'Pride' events sponsored and/or attended by Catholics are contrary to Catholic teaching, give scandal, and actually do harm to faithful, chaste Catholics with same-sex attraction who do not wish to celebrate or be identified by their worst impulses or past sins."

Here's her full tweet below:

Holy Trinity Church Pastor Father C. Kevin Gillespie, S.J., published a statement regarding the parish's annual "LGBTQIA+ Pride Mass."

Father Gillespie said the celebration "responds to the Holy Father’s call to go out to the margins." He said the event does not celebrate vanity, but human dignity.

"This celebration is an expression of our parish’s mission statement TO ACCOMPANY ONE ANOTHER IN CHRIST, CELEBRATE GOD’S LOVE, AND TRANSFORM LIVES," the pastor wrote.
Catholic Church Teaching on Homosexuality

The Catholic Church teaches that people with homosexual tendencies “must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity,” but that homosexual acts constitute “grave depravity,” are “intrinsically disordered,” and that “under no circumstances can they be approved.” Instead, “homosexual persons are called to chastity.” (CCC 2357-2359)

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