19 June 2023

20 June, The Roman Martyrology

Duodécimo Kaléndas Iúlii Luna secúnda Anno Dómini 2023

June 20th 2023, the 2nd day of the Moon, were born into the better life:

The holy martyr Pope Silverius. He refused to restore the [Eutychian] heretic Anthimus, who had been deposed [from the Patriarchate of Constantinople] by his predecessor, Pope Agapitus, and in consequence of this, through a plot of the wicked Empress Theodora, was exiled by Bellisarius to the island of Ponza, where he died for the Catholic faith, broken down by sufferings and hardships, [in the year 538.]
At Rome, the holy Novatus, son of the blessed Senator Pudens and brother of the holy Priest Timothy, and of Christ's holy Virgins Pudentiana and Praxedes, who were taught in the faith by the Apostles. Their house was turned into a church, and called that of St. Pastor, [in the second century.]
At Tomi, in Pontus, the holy martyrs Paul and Cyriacus.
At Petra, in Palestine, the holy Macarius, Bishop [of that see,] who suffered many things of the Arians, and was exiled to Africa, where he fell asleep in the Lord, [in the fourth century.]
At Seville, in Spain, [in the year 630,] the holy Virgin Florentina, sister of the holy Leander, Bishop [of Seville,] and holy Isidore, Bishop [of Seville.]
℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
℟. Thanks be to God.

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