10 June 2023

10 June, Antonio, Cardinal Bacci: Meditations For Each Day

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Surmounted by a Flaming Cross

1. St. Margaret Mary saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus surmounted by flames in the midst of which a Cross was raised on high. These flames and this Cross were the symbol of the infinite love of Jesus. Let us reflect a little. God, immeasurably happy in Himself, wished to communicate a share in His happiness to men, whom He created in a state of earthly happiness. He was offended by men and, when He saw that they were heading for destruction, He sent His Eternal Word to them. The Word took a human nature and became our brother; He preached the way to Heaven and gave us the means to achieve it. More than this, He offered Himself as a divine victim of expiation for ours sins. Having been condemned by those whom He had come to show the way, He died upon the Cross and shed all His blood for our salvation.

Pagans of all times have called this “the folly of the cross.” In fact, it is the miracle of the infinite love of God for humanity. Let us remember, however, that, although His love and goodness are infinite, so also is His justice. It is an overwhelming miracle of love on the part of God that He became man and died for us. It will be our own downfall if we fail to co-operate with this miracle of love.

The same Jesus Who died on the Cross for us and revealed His Heart, pierced and flaming with love, will one day appear with the same glorious sign of the Cross as our Supreme Judge. Then He will say to the wicked: “Depart from me, accursed ones, into everlasting fire!”

God’s justice is as infinite as His charity. We must choose either the way of the Cross, the way of love and goodness to which the Sacred heart of Jesus invites us, or the way of sin, which leads to the gulf of ruin and the final condemnation of the Supreme Judge. This is the tremendous choice we have to make.

2. This flaming Heart surmounted by a Cross represents not only the infinite love of Jesus, the obedient victim of love, but indicates also that if we wish to follow our divine Redeemer as far as Heaven, our true country, we must follow Him along the path of love and of the Cross. There is only one way of perfection, and that is the way of the Cross.

Jesus has told us this and has set us an example. “If anyone wishes to come after me,” He said, “let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” (Luke 9, 23) He gave us an example by allowing Himself, innocent though He was, to be burdened with our sins. He staggered as far as Calvary beneath the weight of the Cross and there He shed His Precious Blood to the last drop. We must take the road of the Cross also. If we do not love our own cross, we do not love the Cross of Jesus. The Saints looked for humiliation and suffering in order to prove their love for Jesus. We must at least accept with resignation those sufferings and humiliations which Providence has allotted to us. We must embrace our cross daily and carry it with faith and love in the footsteps of Jesus. The Cross is the standard of Christ; it is the ladder which leads to Heaven. If anyone does not want to have anything to do with it, he does not want to have anything to do with Jesus.

3. Sweetest Jesus, be not my Judge, but my Saviour.

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