Do the happy elect who enjoy the beatific vision take any interest at all in the things that take place on earth and among human beings?
Most certainly they interest themselves with things that happen on earth.
Do the elect in heaven see all that passes on earth?
They see in the vision of God all that in this world refers to the mystery of God's predestination and its fulfilment.
Do they hear the prayers addressed to them, and do they know the spiritual and temporal needs of those who were dear to them on earth?
Most assuredly; and they are always answering these prayers, and provide for the wants of those on earth by interceding to God (LXXII. 1).
Why then do we not always feel the benefit of their intercession?
Because they see our bequests and needs in the light of God, in which that which oftentimes seems a good to us is not in reality so according to the ordering of the divine providence (LXXII. 3).
Next - The Catechism of the Summa - Tertia Pars - XLVI. OF HELL (A)
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