16 August 2020

@JamesMartinSJ Vicious Internet Lynching of @dlongenecker1

Christian charity forbids from stooping as low as Fr Martin, but I can think of many things to say about this heretic!

From Fr Z's Blog

Jesuit homosexualist activist James Martin has an penchant for fighting dirty.
Any scrap of credibility he might have had for his obsessive cause is greatly diminished with this tactic.   Watch what he does.
From his Twitter feed (LINK – my screenshot):
Get that? Note well….
“And this is just what is said in public.”
WHO CAN REPLY?  People @JamesMartinSJ follows or mentioned can reply.
The obsessive Jesuit passes rash judgment on Fr. Longenecker as a racist, pandering to a mob with the smear du jour, insinuating that he says worse things in private.    This is textbook calumny.
AND…. the coward didn’t actually mention Fr. Longenecker, did he.  He posted a screenshot without using Fr. Longenecker’s Twitter handle: so he can’t respond.   I’ve used a screenshot to get the whole thing in (I don’t know how to post all of it directly from Twitter).
Only Martin can respond, while any of his drove of adherents can retweet.   Disgusting.
What you have witnessed here was an internet lynching.

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