21 August 2020

Fishwrap Is Openly Pro-Abortion – Action Item!

The National Catholic Distorter has come down solidly on the side of the baby killers! Let's hope and pray that the anti-Catholic rag fails!

From Fr Z's Blog 

It will not surprise you that Fishwrap (aka National Schismatic Reporter) has come down firmly in the pro-abortion camp.   One of its most important, show-cased writers, the disciple of Sr. Margaret Farley, the open lesbian Jamie Manson.
This could be next to the entry for “scandal” in an Illustrated Dictionary of catholic Insanity.
Jamie picks up where Heidi left off (praising the nutty extremist AOC and calling her the future of Catholics):
AOC embraces reproductive justice, and other Catholics should, too
The piece aroused the indignation of some Catholics who oppose the right to access abortion care, arguing that, Ocasio-Cortez’s pro-choice position is untenable with the Catholic faith.
What they don’t consider, however, is that Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t view the issue of abortion simply as an issue of reproductive rights. She views it through the more comprehensive lens of reproductive justice.
The rest of this article is a pro-abortion argument.
There is no other way around it.
Fishwrap is openly pro-abortion.
The Bishop of Madison put it exactly right in a curt Tweet:
Try adding this prayer to your daily prayer routine for, say, 8 days.
Pray to St. Joseph, patron of the diocese where the offices of the Fishwrap (aka National Schismatic Reporter) are located! Pray that all the writers and staff of that heterodox and destructive publication either covert to orthodox Catholicism or else that they are driven to closure. Pray also that the bishops of these United States of America develop the courage to strip that publication of the word “Catholic” in their title.
Dest-joseph-patron-of-the-churchar St. Joseph, Terror of Demons and Protector of Holy Church, Chaste Guardian of Our Lord and His Mother, hear our urgent prayer and swiftly intercede with our Savior, whom as a loving father you defended so diligently, that He will pour abundant graces upon the staff of that organ of dissent the National catholic Reporter so that they will either embrace orthodox doctrine concerning faith and morals or that all their efforts will promptly fail and come to their just end. Amen.

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