18 August 2020

Catholics Declare ‘Million Rosary March’ to Cast Demonic Forces Out of United States

The Gospel according to St Matthew, 17:21 'But this kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting.'

From ChurchPOP

This is powerful! 
Catholics across the United States are calling for one million rosaries over a 100-day period of prayer and fasting to drive demonic forces out of the United States of America.
The Million Rosary March invites Catholics to pray the “rosary for 100 days, with a goal of over one million Rosaries offered in reparation and intercession for our nation” because the U.S. “is engulfed in a battle of good versus evil like never before.”
The initiative began on the Solemnity of the Assumption (Aug. 15) and ends on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8.)

As of this writing, Catholics pledged more than 500,000 rosaries.

“We, the undersigned Catholic men and women, recommit and entrust ourselves and our nation, the United States of America, to our Lord Jesus Christ, who is Love, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness itself and to the Triumph of the Most Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” the pledge reads.
We plead with Our Lord to rebuke, bind, and cast out all the demonic forces of Satan that afflict our nation. We plead with Our Lord for our own ongoing conversion and the conversion of all our fellow Americans, both Catholic and non-Catholic, to the beauty and freedom found only in the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
Satan, the enemy of all men and women, is waging a relentless war against us, our faith, our families, our Nation, and all persons. We, the faithful Catholic laity, will not stand by idly.”
“We will not abandon Our Lord. We will not abandon our country to the Evil One.  We call all Catholic men and women to unite in the love of God and to take a stand for all of our brothers and sisters in our nation.”

EWTN’s Fr. John Paul Mary also explains the campaign in this video:

Here’s the campaign’s three primary commitments:

1) “Daily Praying of 5 decades of the Most Holy Rosary with a special intention for a greater love for the Blessed Sacrament 
2) “Fasting every Friday in some form in reparation and atonement to the Eucharistic Lord;
3) “Devoting 1 hour per month in Eucharistic Adoration for the souls of the departed of all Americans throughout history (either in person, if possible, or online*).” 

Click here to join the Million Rosaries March!

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