20 August 2020

21 August, The Roman Martyrology

Duodécimo Kaléndas Septémbris Luna secunda Anno Domini 2020

On the morrow we keep the feast of holy Jeanne Frances Frémiot de Chantal, Foundress of the Order of Nuns of the Visitation of St Mary, at Annecy, in Savoy, of whom mention is made on the 13th day of December.
August 21st 2020, the 2nd day of the Moon, were born into the better life:

At Rome, in the Veran Field, [San Lorenzo, in the third century,] the holy widow and martyr Cyriaca. In the Valerian persecution she spent herself, and all that she had, in ministering to the saints, and at last suffered martyrdom for Christ, and so willingly spent her life itself.
At Salona, [in the third century,] holy Anastasius, a petty officer in the army, who was converted to the faith by beholding the firmness with which the blessed martyr Agapitus bore all his torments, and who was slain by order of the Emperor Aurelian for confessing Christ's name, and so passed away as a martyr, to be ever with the Lord.
In Sardinia, the holy martyrs Luxorius, Cisellus, and Camerinus, who were slain with the sword under the President Delphius, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocletian.
In the Gevaudan country, the holy martyr Privatus, Bishop [of Mende,] who suffered in the persecution under the Emperors Valerian and Gallienus.
On the same day, [in the year 363,] the holy martyrs Bonosus and Maximian, [officers of the Old Herculians, and the last victims of the Emperor Julian the Apostate.]
At Fondi, in Latium, [under the Emperor Decius,] the holy martyr Paternus. He had come from Alexandria to Rome to visit the graves of the Apostles, and had gone from Rome to Fondi. He was arrested by a Tribune while he was burying the bodies of martyrs, and died in his chains.
At Edessa, the holy Bassa and her sons Theogonius, Agapius, and Faithful, all martyrs. Their loving mother by her exhortations sent them, crowned before her, to receive their palms, in the persecution under the Emperor Maximian, and then was herself beheaded, and thus joyfully followed them in triumph.
At Verona, the holy Confessor Euprepius, Bishop [of that see.]
Likewise, the holy Bishop Quadratus.
At Siena, in Tuscany, [in the year 1348,] the holy Abbot Bernard Tolomei, Founder of the Congregation of the Olivetans.
V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

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