13 January 2025

15 January, The Roman Martyrology

Décimo octávo Kaléndas Februárii Luna quinta décima Anno Dómini 2025
January 15th 2025, the 15th day of the Moon,

On the morrow we keep the feast of holy Paul, the first hermit, who was borne to his place among the blessed upon the 10th day of this present month of January.

In the country of Angers, the blessed Maurus, (founder and) Abbot (of Glanfeuil,) a disciple of St. Benedict, by whom he was trained from his childhood, and made such headway that in obedience to him he walked upon water, a thing new and almost unheard of since the time of the Apostle Peter. Benedict sent him into Gaul, where he built a famous monastery, whereof he was Abbot for forty years, and fell asleep in peace, illustrious for miracles, (in the year 584.)
In Judea, the holy prophets Habakkuk and Michah, (606 years before Christ,) whose bodies were found by revelation from God in the time of the Emperor Theodosius the elder, (between the years of Our Lord 346 and 395.)
At Anagni, the holy Virgin and martyr Secundina, who suffered under the Emperor Decius.
At Cagliari, in Sardinia, the holy martyr Ephisius, who under the judge Flavian, in the persecution under the Emperor Diocletian, was strengthened by God to overcome many torments, but in the end was beheaded, and so rose to heaven a conqueror.
At Nola, in Campania, (about the year 252,) holy Maximus, Bishop of that see.
In Auvergne, in Gaul, (in the year 710,) the holy Confessor Bonitus, Bishop of that see.
In Egypt, the holy Macarius, (in the year 391,) Abbot (of Scittir,) a disciple of blessed Anthony, and very famous for his life and miracles.
Likewise (in Egypt, in the year 391,) blessed Isidore, famous for the holiness of his life, his faith, and his miracles.
At Rome, holy John, called the hidden, who lived unknown to his kinsfolk for a while in a corner of his father's house, and then in a hut upon an island in the Tiber, where he was recognised at the time of his death, and famous for miracles, was buried in the same place, where afterward a church was built in his name, (in the year 450.)
℣. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
℟. Thanks be to God.

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