06 December 2024

Luther on the New Testament

Compiled by Alan Fimister, PhD. All quotes except the last are taken from Luther's  "Prefaces to the Books of the New Testament". The last is taken from his letter of 15 September 1530 on translating Scripture.

Hebrews "we cannot put it on the same level with the apostolic epistles"
James "an epistle of straw" "I consider that it is not the writing of any apostle" "against St. Paul and all the rest of Scripture, it ascribes righteousness to works"
Jude "it is an epistle that need not be counted among the chief books, which are to lay the foundation of faith"
Revelation "I miss more than one thing in this book, and this makes me hold it to be neither apostolic nor prophetic" "I think of it almost as I do of the Fourth Book of Esdras, and can nohow detect that the Holy Spirit produced it" "let everyone think of it as his own spirit gives him to think. My spirit cannot fit itself into this book."
On adding 'alone' to Romans 3:28 "If your papist wishes to make a great fuss about the word 'alone', say this to him: 'Dr Martin Luther will have it so, and he says that a papist and a donkey are the same thing.'"

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