09 October 2024

What Will Replace Wokeism as the Ruling Regime’s Religion?

Our elite masters hope it will be the new One World Religion they're pushing but 'Islam remains the civilizational, geopolitical threat of our time.'

From Crisis

By Frank DeVito, JD

As weak leftist regimes continue to fall in the West, Islam remains the civilizational, geopolitical threat of our time.

The belief system known as “wokeism” has become, for all intents and purposes, the religion of the ruling regime. Transgenderism is not only the regime’s theoretical philosophy; it has, in practice, infected leaders at the highest levels of government. The sitting vice president and Democratic presidential candidate apparently supports racial reparations and taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for prisoners. The Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit has been replaced among the ruling class with the unholy trinity of the worship of heterodox views of race, sex, and sexuality. This is not an exaggeration; it is the reality of the current American regime.

Yet weak regimes do not last and wokeism is weak. History makes clear that weak cultures lack the strong foundations to survive. Nazi Germany marched through a weak and exhausted post-Christian Europe. Japan, infused with Western technology, dominated a weak and primitive China in the century before World War II. And for centuries, the Islamic world has conquered weak and faltering neighbors by the sword. 

Every regime requires a religion, a transcendent system of beliefs, rituals, and morals that governs the people and bestows order. Religions that cannot hold a people together cannot maintain a ruling regime for long. Something stronger and more stable will swallow a society plagued by a weak and decadent religion. 

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Intelligent political thinkers have always understood that this truth is at the heart of the American experiment. John Adams famously told the Massachusetts militia in 1798 that the “constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” To the extent the American people maintain a strong Christian faith, a republic based on self-rule remains possible. To the extent the American people shed Christian faith, they lose the ability to govern themselves under the American constitutional order. The latter is well underway: religious practice in America continues to be in rapid decline. Church attendance is down. An increasing portion of the population claims not to have any particular religious affiliation.

What happens in America in the absence of a robust Christian faith? We are in the process of finding out. Something inevitably fills the vacuum because humans are naturally religious, naturally in search of a transcendent set of beliefs and values to make sense of the world. Enter wokeness. If faith in Christ is not the dominant force for which people are willing to live and die, something else must be. 

So the people who have rejected God worship the supposed ability to create their own identities. They worship the cause of transgender surgeries for all; they bow down before the cause of Palestine; they make a god out of Ukraine and a devil out of Putin. This sick substitute for religion is no longer fringe: American universities, media, big corporations, and government agencies are all thoroughly infected.

So what comes next? There are many reasons Christianity was able to hold together so many civilizations across the world for centuries—aside from the obvious Christian claim that Christianity is successful because it is true. Its claims are both reasonable and transcendently beautiful. It offers people truth to live by in this life and the promise of eternal glory in the next. It proclaims the infinite dignity of every human person, the importance of living holy lives within the family and the community, and the need to respect hierarchy and the political order. 

Christian faith makes for healthy societies. Wokeism has no chance of doing so. It is false, of course. But it is also ugly and weak. As wokeism brings the American regime and people further down its dark path of insanity, it will lose its grip on the people because it has no grip on reality. Wokeness has nothing that will maintain long-term adherence or order. It will fall.

When wokeness falls, what will take its place? Many conservatives rightly fight for a restoration of Christian faith and practice so that when regime change comes (either through electoral change or a more dramatic collapse), there will be strong Christians prepared to rule and restore a good order once more. This is a noble hope, but the numbers are not encouraging. Except in Africa and parts of Asia, Christianity is not on the rise. There is, however, another religion animating regimes throughout much of the world. As the West succumbs to wokeism, weakening itself and importing massive numbers of migrants in the process, the threat of an Islamic future looms.When wokeness falls, what will take its place?Tweet This

In the wake of 9/11, there was a period of about 15 years when folks on the right were raising the alarm about “radical Islam” in America. It seems that conversation has waned as the woke revolution has taken center stage in recent years. But whether it takes another year or another decade, wokeism is passing; again, it is weak and cannot last long. Islam, on the other hand, continues to rise. 

The Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia are filled with growing populations of strong, convinced, and powerful Muslim communities. Their birthrates are high and they are exporting millions of immigrants into the West. Look at Germany, England, and France. Or, closer to home, look at Minnesota. This is not a faraway theory; Islam knocks at the rotting, weakened door of the West. And it seems like there is little stopping the door from opening and the Muslims from walking (Walzing?) in.

As weak leftist regimes continue to fall in the West, Islam remains the civilizational, geopolitical threat of our time. Yes, China is a serious threat, but this is also a shorter-term civilizational reality. China suffers from instability due to its Marxist regime as well as fatal demographic problems. The real long-term threat to the West remains the rise of Islam. In 2001, the threat of radical Islam was front and center. Twenty-three years later, the Islamic world has only gotten larger and more populated, while the West has only further decayed. There is no reason that this threat should be taken any less seriously than it was ten or twenty years ago.  

Again, only nations with strong religious foundations can maintain order and hold on to power. Wokeness has little hope of becoming such a regime-ordering faith. If America and the rest of the West does not realize this, little stands in the way of collapse at the hands of foreign invaders who have the strength, both in faith and numbers, to replace our failing regimes. Commitment to conservatism, populism, nativism, or any other secular, political ism on the right today will not suffice. Without the strength and order brought by Christianity, America loses the foundation on which it must stand. And something else—now wokeness, in the future likely Islam—will eventually take its place.

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