17 September 2024

Eastern Rite ~ Feasts of 18 September AM 7532

Today is the Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-giving Cross and the Feast of Our Venerable Father Eumenius, Bishop of Gortyna.


From September 15 until the Leavetaking, we sing “O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ. O son of God crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to Thee: Alleluia” at weekday Liturgies following the Little Entrance.

Troparion — Tone 1

O Lord, save Your people, / and bless Your inheritance. / Grant victories to Right-Believing Kings and Princes / over their adversaries. / And by virtue of Your Cross, / preserve Your habitation.

Kontakion — Tone 4

As You were voluntarily raised upon the cross for our sake, / grant mercy to those who are called by Your Name, O Christ God; / make all Catholic Christians glad by Your power, / granting them victories over their adversaries, / by bestowing on them the Invincible trophy, Your weapon of Peace.

Saint Eumenius from the time of his youth was noted for his virtuous life. He strove to serve the One God and therefore he shunned worldly temptations. Concerned for the salvation of his soul, he distributed all his substance to the poor.

By the blessing of God, Saint Eumenius was chosen as Bishop of Gortyna on the island of Crete. The saint, like a compassionate father, comforted his flock in their sorrows and cared for the orphaned and indigent. His prayers were so strong before God that once, during a drought, he called forth abundant rain upon the earth.

Saint Eumenius wisely and zealously defended the Catholic Faith against the Monophysite heresy. For his opposition to the heresy, the saint was banished to the Thebaid, where he died in the seventh century. His body was then transferred and buried in Gortyna.

Troparion — Tone 4

We have you as a friend and helper, / gracious advocate Eumenius: / For compassion flowed from you / and you pour forth healing on the Church. / Protect those who honour you.

Kontakion — Tone 2

Radiant with divine light, O blessed one, / illumine us who lovingly praise your precious and glorious passing; / hierarch father Eumenius, / unceasingly intercede for us all.

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