29 August 2024

Alberta Bill of Rights Draft Includes ‘Right to Life’ From ‘Conception’

I lived in Alberta for several years. I often say that I'm a Kansan by Birth but an Albertan by choice. God bless the UCP and Alberta!

From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

LifeSiteNews was provided a copy of a draft version of the 'Alberta Bill of Rights,' which, while subject to change, currently includes the 'right to life' starting from 'conception, gestation in the womb.'

The United Conservative Party government of the province of Alberta is anticipated to soon introduce a new “Bill of Rights,” a current draft of which includes the “right to life” from “conception, gestation in the womb.”  

LifeSiteNews was provided a copy of a draft version of the “Alberta Bill of Rights” from a source, who asked not to be named but who is well connected with the ruling UCP. LifeSiteNews was able to confirm the authenticity of the draft version of the bill through a second high-level source from within the UCP.  

The text of the draft, which is subject to change, includes a section exclusively dedicated to “The Right to Life, Liberty, & the pursuit of happiness.” 

No person shall be deprived of the right to life, liberty, property and possession, nor any other of his rights without previously being heard and defeated in a trial according to the laws; nor shall he be tried twice for the same cause,” reads the draft version.

“All living persons within Alberta have the God-given right to life. A living person includes all persons at all stages of life from conception, gestation in the womb, to birth and throughout their life up until natural death.”  

The UCP source also told LifeSiteNews that while the draft version of the bill is subject to change, it is hoped by all of those who worked on the final version of the draft that there will not be many changes. The source noted that while the bill does have support from many cabinet members of the UCP, there are a few who oppose the bill.  

Hints that a broad bill of “rights” was in the works were revealed publicly last month. Indeed, LifeSiteNews reported that Alberta Premier Danielle Smith had promised that the province’s Bill of Rights will be amended this fall so that there are protections added for people’s personal medical decisions, most likely with a specific clause that includes one having the right to refuse a vaccine.

According to the source within the UCP, the draft version of the Alberta Bill of Rights was created by a “small group writing it in secret and consulting with lawyers,” as well as elected members of the legislative assembly (MLAs) and cabinet members of the UCP government. 

“It has been passed back and forth many times. There was some consulting with Albertans in small unpublicized meetings around Alberta,” the source told LifeSiteNews. 

The bill would also include text that reads the “right to life is voluntarily forfeit by a person during the commission of violence or threats of violence against another person or property, as self-defense and defense of property are key elements of the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” 

“The right to life is regained when the person ceases their violence or ceases to be a threat to another person or property.Individuals, organizations and Governments and their agents are not authorized to end a person’s life, except as described above.” 

The draft version of the bill also includes text that would allow the right to self-defense, including by lethal means if needed. The bill reads that “Agents of a government or other citizens may affect arrests for crimes or attempt to stop crimes in process by using force necessary, up to and including lethal force. The purpose of this right is to ensure that all human life is treated with respect deserving of such a great gift from our Creator. 

“Governments and their agents are not authorized to end a person’s life. The purpose of this right is to ensure that all human life is treated with respect deserving of such a great gift,” the bill reads.  

One elected UCP MLA told LifeSiteNews that it is hoped that the draft version of the bill makes it to the final version, more or less unchanged. However, the MLA said that the main worry is that it could be watered down by some higher-ups in the party.  

Proposed bill seems at odds with Premier Smith’s known views on abortion

When it comes to the right to “life,” including for those in the “womb,” as noted in the draft version of the bill, it remains to be seen how much, if any, of that language will remain in the final text, given Premier Danielle Smith’s stance in favor of abortion. 

As recently reported by LifeSiteNews, Prolife Alberta sounded the alarm over what it says is a “sinister trend” developing in the province, noting how late-term abortions are on the “rise” with full-term babies being left “to die” due to inaction from the UCP government. 

While abortion is allowed in Canada through all 9 months of pregnancy, the deadly procedure does fall within provincial jurisdiction. 

While many of the current sitting MLAs of the UCP have solid records regarding life, including Health Minister Adriana LaGrange, Smith herself has a rather liberal approach to many social issues. 

As previously reported by LifeSiteNews, many of Smith’s views, including those surrounding homosexual “marriage” and abortion remain at odds with traditional conservative values, a fact that has made her a target of the province’s largest pro-life organization. However, she did say last year she is in favour of adoption over abortion. 

While Smith’s views on abortion remain at odds with pro-lifers, she has taken a pro-freedom approach to COVID, even once saying that the “unvaccinated” were the “most discriminated against” group she has seen in her lifetime. 

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