22 January 2024

Tell Cardinal Fernández To Resign After Discovery of Pornographic Book He Wrote!

Unfortunately, I have a feeling that if he submits his resignation, Francis would refuse it, but sign the Petition here at any rate.

From LifePetitions

On Monday, January 8, a pornographic book titled “Mystical Passion: Spirituality & Sensuality” and written by Cardinal Victor Fernández was uncovered in Argentina.

We must put an end to the toleration of such evil material from our Church leaders.

The book was published in 1998, just three years after his previously discovered book called “The Art of Kissing,” which has been decried by many faithful Catholics for years.

Last year, when asked about “The Art of Kissing” in an interview, Fernández mysteriously claimed, “I have several other texts from years ago that could be considered much more ‘dangerous’ from the theological point of view.” Unfortunately, that has been discovered to be absolutely true.

Throughout the newly rediscovered book, Fernández discusses how the “particularities of men and women in orgasm also occur in some way in the mystical relationship with God,” and downplays the immoral nature of homosexuality.

As Cardinal Sarah stated, in acts of homosexuality, two people “close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not stem from true affection and sexual complementarity. They cannot be approved under any circumstances. Any pastoral approach that fails to recall this objective truth would be failing in the first work of mercy, which is the gift of truth ... [homosexuality] remains something radically opposed to the very essence of what God originally intended.”

The book is filled with explicit material and inaccurate theology.

Responding to the text, former nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò called on the Swiss Guards to “arrest these heretical perverts."

"The blasphemous sewer regurgitations of Tucho’s repulsive pamphlet show such a level of perversion and alienation to the Faith as to demand the expulsion manu militari of the Argentinean and his accomplices," he wrote.

"The Swiss Guards have sworn to defend the See of Peter, not the one who is systematically demolishing it. Let them therefore be faithful to their oath and arrest these heretical perverts!"

Cardinal Fernández was appointed by Pope Francis just last year to serve as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, which ironically was founded during the Inquisition to combat heresy. The appointment came after he ghost-wrote Amoris Laetitia.

Fernández has also previously publicly promoted allowing the divorced and “remarried” to receive communion, and erotic kissing and other actions, as well as downplayed the need to oppose same-sex marriage and stated that he is more progressive than the Pope on certain issues.

We must stop this horrible behavior and demand that Cardinal Fernández resign from his position.

Read the full story HERE.

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