09 December 2023

Can’t Afford Bread? Eat Cake!

Has anyone bothered to calculate the 'carbon footprint' of this gathering of our controllers? Have they not heard of Zoom? 

From The European Conservative

By Jiří Weigl

Nothing captures the falsity of the climate religion more than the UN's mammoth gathering of the world’s elite.

This statement, attributed to the later-executed Queen Marie Antoinette of France, could be used to characterise the outcome of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), which began on November 30th in Dubai and is due to run until December 12th. It is attended by world politicians and celebrities, led by Britain’s King Charles III and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Czech Prime Minister Fiala is not absent; Pope Francis was prevented from attending only by his frail health, so he sent just a fiery call to action. More than 70,000 participants, ranging from politicians and activists to NGOs, business leaders, and lobbyists, are attending the summit. The aim is said to be to change the current climate of our planet.

Nothing captures the falsity of today’s official secular climate religion more than this mammoth gathering of the world’s liberal progressive elite. The venue itself, accessible to virtually all attendees only by long-haul flights on commercial or private jets, makes it clear that the modern climate church and its high priests are only concerned with CO2 emissions in the last place. Something akin to a modern-day council is taking place in Dubai, the kind that governed religious beliefs in the Middle Ages to address and fight over heresies and schisms. These super-expensive events have never had anything to do with the needs of ordinary people, nor have they moved the affairs of God or nature a solitary inch. The protagonists are concerned only with the consolidation of their power and domination over people and society.

Today, the idea is to frighten people in the developed West with the alleged imminent climate apocalypse and force them into drastic, socially engineered reduction in their standard of living, while developing countries whose populations do not suffer from ‘climate grief’ are bought off with handouts from the Climate Loss and Damage Fund agreed at the beginning of the Dubai talks, to be funded by the taxpayers of developed countries.

It is significant that Czech Prime Minister Fiala also joined these goals adopted at the Council by promising to contribute CZK 4 million to the aforementioned fund. After two years in power, he has reneged on everything he once stood for. Now the supposed former conservative is a card-carrying green activist, planning to increase the installed capacity of solar and wind power plants fivefold by 2030 and ready to approve whatever other insane commands happen to be issued by his green overlords.

As if to ward off lingering doubts, such madness was confirmed by UN Secretary-General Guterres when in his speech to the conference he demanded an immediate end to the burning of fossil fuels. It is possible that from the luxury suites on the top floors of New York skyscrapers, the world and the needs of its inhabitants appear differently to the average person. But what, then, are the 8 billion inhabitants of our Earth supposed to heat and cook with? Build wind and photovoltaic power stations, goes the arrogant answer worthy of an executed French queen. That this is all unworkable nonsense is obvious to everyone. Only those who govern us hypocritically pretend that they believe it.

The potentates who are so blatantly and arrogantly wasting taxpayers’ money in Dubai and making it clear that they are not and will not be affected by any restrictions, are only demonstrating their contempt for ordinary people, whom they do not really care about. All of us here today are beginning to feel this betrayal by the Western elites first-hand. Our record decline in living standards is not at all accidental. It is the intended consequence of the artificially high energy prices that have been the EU’s long-term goal. And they are going further—they are already working in Brussels to ban gas boilers. Our governments have a big part to play in all this, through their myopia and spinelessness.

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